Gianna Martinengo

Gianna Martinengo

Founder & CEO of Didael KTS - President of Women & Tech® ETS - Board ITTD Municipality of Milan


Participate in:

Future Expo - Sustainability and Technological Innovation for Responsible Development
Un'impresa al femminile: innovazione, competenze e leadership per il futuro
L’arte imperfetta di essere genitori, nonni e insegnanti
La Scienza al Femminile
Ecologia e AI: ispirazioni dalla natura per l’innovazione
Women and digital: security and empowerment for equality
ELLE Active! 2024
Giustizia sociale: generazioni contro... la violenza
Quando la sostenibilità incontra... Innovazioni e strategie per una nuova cultura dell'acqua
Innovation Tram Speed Date
Innovation Tram 2024
Gender medicine and personalization of therapies in the age of artificial intelligence
MIND THE GAP: together for the City of the future
Women and STE(A)M, between past and future
AWE - Academy For Women Entrepreneurs
Women's Voices
Women, work, technology, and artificial intelligence. Towards more equality and freedom.
The values ​​of Safer Internet Day: protect, empower, respect
Women and girls in science: dialogue between female advocacy and entrepreneurship
T-Being: "Women in Science: the long road to equality"
Ariadne: artificial intelligence for precision medicine
Women and Finance: New Challenges and Opportunities
Female empowerment in a changing economic world
ABB Sustainable Talent Program
Whoever says woman says future
Urban Transformations 2023
Biotech Innovation: potential and ethical concerns
Work at the center of sustainable innovation: a year of MUSA
Networking and leadership
2050: the colors of the future
Digital passion: dreams, experiences, results
Ready4Future: the future of work between science, art, and technology
Telefono Azzurro | Safer Internet Day 2023
T-Being: Mission Equality
Not just green: skills and models for a sustainable society
ELLE Active! 2022 - Values and Jobs
Digital innovation and sustainability: a look beyond the opportunities
XXI National Congress SIET
From "me" to "we": Women&Tech® lecture for Kyndryl
Ethics and Artificial Intelligence. The dilemma of responsibility.
Prime Minister: school of politics for young women - Science and Technology
Digital transition, social and environmental sustainability: opportunities for work?
T-Being: Hybriddomania
T-Being: work in the perspective of gender equality
The power of data for health
If artificial intelligence were a woman?
Women and money: an increasingly technological relationship?
Non il tipo scientifico
Falling women's employment during the pandemic
The physical reality of the digital world
4W4I - Stories of women, of science, of life
Family Economy Week 2021
Made in Italy Summit 2021
Ageing Intelligence
Looking for a recent graduate... with experience!
Ready4Future - Research, Industry, Institutions: a virtuous alliance for solving the pandemic
The Digital Lever for Empowerment - FIDAPA Bologna
Women, Covid-19 and work
T-Being: does finance speak in the feminine?
The tomorrow of Milan, the future of the country
Innovation in logistics makes room for women
Donne in Salute
Out of the tunnel. What has changed in companies: work, relationships, reputation
Digital transformation and industrial policies in Europe
Oracle Women’s Leadership
Support an Idea
Pre-adolescent children: tsunami on the way. And the adults?

Founder and President of Didael KTS - Creator
President of Women&Tech ® ETS
Board of Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation, Municipality of Milan
Coordinator of the Scientific Committee, MUSA Scarl
Member of the Scientific Committee, UNISALUTE

Entrepreneur, humanist by training, technologist by choice, since 1983 she has adopted the principles of Knowledge-based Artificial Intelligence as a method to address and build pioneering computer solutions.

Applies its philosophy "Inspired by user, driven by science" to the areas of research and business, technological innovation, and female empowerment. "Behind the ideas, always the people and their expertise." Her professional path, challenging but highly rewarding, sees her as an entrepreneur "of action" with a natural predisposition for innovation, which she sees as a great opportunity to bring together ideas and common knowledge and expertise. Proactive in response to societal transformations, she has anticipated the development of technologies serving citizens, with a passionate activity of research and experimentation in new learning technologies, driven by her cultural experience, both humanistic (Bocconi and Cattolica) and technological (Stanford, CA).

A pioneer in her field, she has founded numerous start-ups in Italy and abroad, developed 1000 projects in the fields of business, internationalization, technological and social innovation. Thanks to DIDALAB (research laboratory on Artificial Intelligence co-founded with Prof. Stefano A. Cerri) and the financing of over 70 European projects, she has developed and promoted collaborative research activities with approximately 400 entrepreneurial entities, research centers, and universities in Europe, the United States, Canada, China, and Brazil.

Since 1999, she has been dedicated with extraordinary commitment to supporting women and young people. In 2007, she conceived and implemented the international project "Women&Technologies®" and launched the "Le Tecnovisionarie®" Award. In 2009, she founded the Women and Technologies Association, in 2010 she conceived the "Ready4Future" project, and in 2018 "The Innovation Tram".

From 2020 to 2023, she was a member of the International Advisory Board of STOA, Panel for the future of Science and Technology of the European Parliament. She has been part of numerous Board of Directors, including ISPI and Fondazione Fiera Milano.

Currently, she is a member of the Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation Board of the Municipality of Milan, the Scientific Committee of MUSA Scarl, and UNISALUTE. Among the recognitions and awards received starting from the Belisario Prize in 1995, she loves to remember being awarded the honor of Knight of the Republic, and receiving the Ambrogino d'Oro from the Municipality of Milan for her entrepreneurial activities. She is one of the 50 women listed as InspiringFifty in Italy in 2018 and was named in 2022 among the 50 Most Powerful Women by Fortune Italia.

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