
A social innovation project to guide the new generations through the professions and trades of the future.

The trends of the job market
According to the OECD's Skills Outlook 2021 report, the "education-work-retirement" process is to be considered extremely outdated.

The megatrends that characterize the post-pandemic labor market determine the rapid obsolescence of many skills and knowledge, opening up to "new" professional roles, those that will soon be in greater demand.

In this scenario marked by profound transformations, starting from the trades means looking at what will be, clearly tracing the occupational needs of the future, and guiding the youngest towards a full understanding of the professions they could face as adults.

A revolutionary reversal of the classic process "training -> work", following a route that Gianna Martinengo, founder of Women&Tech - Women and Technologies Association, had identified and traced twelve years ago.


Oriented training

Heading towards a training oriented to acquire key skills for the future means offering all young people the opportunity to access important professions, as well as preparing resources capable of driving innovation.
A social innovation project
In 2009 Gianna Martinengo, within the Association, outlines the Ready4Future project to guide the new generations through the professions and trades of the future.

An idea that today, in 2022, is more relevant than ever, promoting a holistic view of learning processes, in which humanistic knowledge and technical-scientific knowledge integrate and enrich each other.

Intending to be a tool for career guidance and training, Ready4Future aims to create a web platform available to the younger generation, where they can build relationships and benefit from carefully selected educational proposals from a team of experts: professionals who, based on their field experience, share essential insights to understand the professions of the future.


Educational offer

Many appointments

Giorno del Campo Futuro
Event based on comparison and dialogue
Orient Camp
School / Work Alternation
Aperture Aperte
Guided tours to innovative companies or research centers
Tech Lab
Robotics and coding workshops
Target and objectives

As Gianna Martinengo recounts:

"With our project, we aim to make known the new opportunities offered by the world of work, awaken vocations and interests in young people, and open their eyes to an integrated view of study disciplines. Our Association was the first in Italy to promote the transition from STEM to STEAM: the A stands for the humanities, integrated into the heart of the technical-scientific ones."

It is no coincidence that the sectors that offer the greatest opportunities for development are structured in a multidisciplinary key: digital technologies (such as AI, robotics, video games, virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D, blockchain, machine learning, digital twins, big data analysis, Internet of things, quantum computing), biotechnologies (such as bioinformatics, bioelectronics, industrial biotechnologies, health, environmental biotechnologies, neurotechnologies), new materials (such as nanomaterials, e-textiles, smart materials, flexible electronics, photonics), energy and environment (biological fuels, hydrogen technologies, bioplastics, smart grids, solar energy).

Ready4Future is not only aimed at the youngest, but also at all those social and emotional actors who support and advise them: teachers, parents, family in general, and the world of work (companies, public entities, trade unions, third sector).

The ultimate goal is to build a physical and virtual place, global and local, where the actors involved in the project can meet, get to know each other, and exchange valuable information. A welcoming and inclusive space, where to connect to create value, looking towards the future with proactivity and awareness.

The jobs of the future: download the posters!
With the social innovation project Ready4Future, the Women&Tech Association aims to guide the new generations towards the jobs of the future.

We have created these educational posters to explore the possibilities offered by the jobs of tomorrow: visual summaries dedicated to schools, which open up perspectives on the world of biotechnology, circular economy, and video games. Fill out the form to download them in high resolution, print them, and share them with your class. They will help you introduce and delve into important topics for the younger generation: career guidance, skills to develop, multidisciplinary training paths.

Related Events
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Taranto Biotech Days

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ENERGY - Competence at the core of choosing your own Future

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