What life skills people need to develop for future professions? This will be the theme of the last EWGF event.

The last event of Expo Women Global Forum – EWGF will be on Friday 23rd October at HOST, with Gianna Martinengo participation.

Gianna Martinengo, founder and CEO Expo Women Global Forum – EWGF and Associazione Donne e Tecnologie, will be protagonist in the first “ Toc Talks ” at Host - Fiera Milano, to talk about future professions and technologies, and all related skills that operators need to develop.

Cook operator role considerably evolved compared with the past: it should be able to update its skills to answer future needs and technologies’ use”.

“Ability to make decisions, problem solving and communication skills, are all life skills that make people able to face the daily challenges and requests ” Martinengo outlines.

Gianna Martinengo’s “Toc Talk” will be the first of a five days series, organized in partnership with Professional Association of Italian Cooks (APCI), that will be at HOST – the best event in Ho.Re.Ca. sectors -  from October 23rd to 27th.

  • When: Friday, 23rd October 2015, h. 14.30
  • Where: Fiera Milano, Pad. 2 – Stand F12 - G05

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