Valerie Guertler-Doyle

Valerie Guertler-Doyle

Founder and Owner of Diversity in Business, former Head of D&I (Diversity and Inclusion) at Novartis Switzerland

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The future is STEAM also (and notably!) for women

Founder and Owner  Diversity in Business, former Head of D&I (Diversity and Inclusion) at Novartis Switzerland

Valerie Gürtler-Doyle, PhD. is a Business Executive, a catalyst, a change agent and a passionate believer in diversity as a business driver. Valerie led the Swiss Diversity & Inclusion team for Novartis to position no. 1 by connecting Diversity to Innovation and business. “Diversity is not just about gender but includes visible and invisible components, the latter including style and communication to mention but a few.  For any business, understanding and even preempting customer needs is key to a sustainable and profitable business.  Consequently, a diverse workforce will better reflect the customer base, the teams will dissent- this drives innovation”.

Valerie is a seasoned professional with expertise in R&D as well as commercial. She is recognized as a change agent who dislikes the status quo and has been instrumental in creating significant business value. Her expertise and the red thread throughout her career has been in connecting the non-obvious, building new teams around a clear vision and empowering them to deliver innovative business impact above and beyond expectations.

Valerie is President of the Irish Business Network in Switzerland , which connects innovative Irish and Swiss business.  She was a Steering committee member of the International Labour Organization BusinessandDisability Network and a board member of UN Women Switzerland. She was a founding and still a very active member of HBA Europe, currently a member of the European Advisory Board and a past President of the Swiss Diversity Round Table.  She is an active blogger in the area of D&I and a very engaged mentor. She is married with 1 daughter.  Since November 2013, she is also the founder and owner of ‘ Diversity in Business’ .

“My role is being a catalyst – seeing business possibilities, making unusual connections, inspiring and empowering people to create value and unleash their own potential.  I love the startup and the pleasure of watching it grow - powered by people and their innovative spirits”.

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