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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Why technology needs more women"

Why technology needs more women

22 Marzo 2018
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Why technology needs more women"

March, 22 nd 2018 - 6.30 pm
Samsung District - Samsung Arena, Via Mike Bongiorno, 9 - 20124, Milano

Gender equality is crucial if everyone’s talent is to be fully exploited in all business contexts, especially in technology-intensive industries. We need more women in technology, but there are still too few, especially within the higher managerial ranks. How can we stop women from being excluded or to self-exclude themselves from careers in technology-intensive firms? What can we do to reverse this negative trend? We will debate this issue with three prominent speakers in an overarching discussion that embraces the viewpoint of women, men and society as a whole:

  • Olga Iarussi , CEO Southern Europe at Triumph, member of Women&Tecnologies ®
  • Anastasia Buda , Corporate Citizenship Manager at Samsung Electronics Italia
  • Silvia Parma , Global HR Manager - Business Unit Protection and connection at ABB

The event will be introduced by Marco Taisch , Full Professor and it will be moderated by Nancy Cooklin , Trainer, Coach and Counselor.
Please note that the event will be held in English and is reserved to the Alumni and School Community.


Scopri l'agenda completa dell'evento, gli orari, i temi delle sessioni e i relatori principali.

Intervento di Olga Iarussi @ Why technology needs more women
Ospiti/Relatori: Olga Iarussi

Olga Iarussi, CEO Southern Europe di Triumph e membro di Women&Tech - Associazione Donne e Tecnologie interviene all'evento "Why technology needs more women" organizzato da MIP Politecnico di Milano.

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