The community Women&Tech

Include tutti coloro che ci hanno accompagnato con la loro competenza e solidarietà dal 2007 come speakers, membri dell'Associazione e Tecnovisionarie.



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Agostino Melillo

Country Communications Manager, Intel

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Adele Melucci

Corporate Advisory Analyst, Banca Generali

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Arianna Menciassi

Full Professor of Industrial Bioengineering and Biomedical Robotics at SSSA - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa

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RIccardo Meneghetti

Energy engineering, Politecnico di Milano

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Beatrice Meneghetti

Master's Degree in Marine Biology, University of Padua

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Germana Menezes Da Nobrega

Professor at the Catholic University of Brasília

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Simona Menghini

Communication Director, Oracle Italy

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Sofia Mercanti

Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences (Pisa)

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Pino Mercuri

Direttore delle risorse umane - Agos

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Olimpia Merlo

Sales Manager @ AWS – Amazon Web Services

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Doris Messina

Creator of the Fintech accelerator Sellalab

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Patrizia Michela Giangualano

Independent Director, Advisor in governance, risks and controls, and sustainability.

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Silvia Migliavacca

Portfolio Project Manager and Organizational Development @ Banca Mediolanum

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Demetrio Migliorati

Innovation manager & Head of Blockchain Program at Banca Mediolanum

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Maria Miguel Beirão

Bachelor in bioengineering and currently in the second year of the master's in bioengineering.

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Marzia Milan

Master in Manufacturing Management, University of Hertfordshire

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Paolo Milani

Scientific Director, Filarete Foundation.

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Gianna Milano


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Michela Milano

Full Professor University of Bologna and Director of the Interdepartmental Center for Human-Centered AI

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Giovanna Milella

Journalist, deputy director of RAI DUE

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Elisabetta Mina

Lawyer specialized in intellectual property and industrial law

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Anna Minotti

Civil and building engineer, and member of the Board of Assimpredil of the Provinces of Milan, Lodi, Monza and Brianza

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Adriana Miraglia

Compliance Professional - Siemens

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Roberta Mirigliano

Owner & Business developer YELLOW SRL

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Through partnerships and networking, events, mentorship, and training, Women&Tech aims to create an environment where women can excel and innovate in the tech sector.

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