The community Women&Tech

Include tutti coloro che ci hanno accompagnato con la loro competenza e solidarietà dal 2007 come speakers, membri dell'Associazione e Tecnovisionarie.



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Alberto Mallardi

Data Acquisition Manager @ Here Technologies

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Clara Mancini

Researcher in the Natural Language Generation Group at the Department of Computing, Open University

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Elena Mandarà

Law, graduated from Luiss Guido Carli in Rome

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Alessandra Mandelli

Senior Lead, Italy Payroll - Kyndryl Italy

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Martina Mangiacavalli

Consumer Support Manager - HP

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Sara Mangiacavalli

Channel & Customer Marketing Specialist – SEMEA Partnership Markets @Campari Group

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Barbara Mangiacavalli

President of the National Federation of IPASVI Colleges

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Luca Maniscalco

Head of Marketing and Communication, UNIMI Foundation | Author

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Giulia Mannella

Project Manager in charge of the Patients' Rights Court at Cittadinanzattiva

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Sara Mantero

Researcher at the Department of Bioengineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan

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Arianna Manzoni

Graduated with a Master's degree in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology from Politecnico di Milano

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Laura Maragliano

Director of Sale&Pepe, GialloZafferano, and Cucina Moderna

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Federica Marani

General Manager Dinapsio Srl

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Paola Maranzana

ITALIA Nord e Leader della Tribù Digitale - Kyndryl Italia

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Bruno Marasà

Head of the Information Office of the European Parliament in Milan - Directorate General for Communication

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Barbara Marascio

Female lawyer, Observatory on professional women - Civil lawyer of the Milan Bar

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Mario Marazzi

Head of Tissue Therapy / Plastic Surgery and Major Burn Center, Niguarda Ca' Granda Hospital.

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Suor Marcella Catozza

Missionary nun, founder of the Milky Way Foundation

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Simone Marchetti

Digital Supply Chain Sales Development Manager Italy, ORACLE

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Elena Marchetto

Capo delle Relazioni con i Governi Locali - Fastweb

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Roberta Marchini

Technical Solution Manager, EMEA, Infrastructure Solutions Group - Lenovo

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Laura Margherita Bongiorno

Senior Manager of Incident & Fraud Management - Fastweb S.p.A.

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Anna Maria Ponzellini

Sociologist and organization expert

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Bianca Maria Vecchio

Market Nutritionist, Nestlé.

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Through partnerships and networking, events, mentorship, and training, Women&Tech aims to create an environment where women can excel and innovate in the tech sector.

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