The community Women&Tech

Include tutti coloro che ci hanno accompagnato con la loro competenza e solidarietà dal 2007 come speakers, membri dell'Associazione e Tecnovisionarie.



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Iuliana Golovatii

HR Learning and Development Intern, SAP

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Gianluca Gonella

Operations & Strategy EuroMed, Dassault Systèmes

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Liliana Gorla

Capo delle Persone e dell'Organizzazione Regioni - Siemens

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Roberto Gorni

Professor of cosmetic legislation in the advanced course on cosmetic products at the University of Milan

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Stella Grando

Researcher, Research and Innovation Center, Edmund Mach Foundation

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Antonella Grassigli

CEO & Co-founder of Doorway Benefit Company

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Maria Grazia Cavenaghi Smith

Head of the Information Office of the European Parliament in Milan

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Maria Grazia Filippini


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Maria Grazia Silvaroli

Assist Digital - Director Service Line of Experience Design

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Anna Gregorio

Associate Professor, Department of Physics - University of Trieste

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Alessandra Grendele

Director of E-Commerce, Marketing, Data, and Digital Transformation, Carrefour Italy

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Patrizia Grieco

Chief Executive Officer Olivetti - Telecom Italia Group

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Joost Groenewegen

Signor Quality Systems Manager presso Here Technologies

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Chiara Grosselli

Director of Communication IBM Italy.

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Giovanna Grosso

Business Development Team Leader - Siemens

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Paola Gualtieri

3M R&D Operational Leader - Product Stewardship & Sustainability SEE Region

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Carmine Guanci

Development and Innovation Manager, Vesti Solidale

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Claudia Guenzi

Regional Solution & Services Country Business Unit Head, Siemens

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Valerie Guertler-Doyle

Founder and Owner of Diversity in Business, former Head of D&I (Diversity and Inclusion) at Novartis Switzerland

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Vincenzo Guggino

General Secretary of the Advertising Self-Discipline Institute

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Marco Gui

Associate Professor, University of Milan Bicocca

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Alberto Guidotti

Head of ICT Research and Development Office at Intesa Sanpaolo Group

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Carlotta Guiducci

Associate Professor, Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne

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Antonio Gusmini

Director of Human Resources - Banca Mediolanum

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Through partnerships and networking, events, mentorship, and training, Women&Tech aims to create an environment where women can excel and innovate in the tech sector.

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