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Poster per l'evento intitolato "ELLE Active! 2022 - Valori e Lavori"

ELLE Active! 2022 - Values and Jobs

05 November 2022
Poster per l'evento intitolato "ELLE Active! 2022 - Valori e Lavori"

5th and 6th November 2022
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Elle Active is a major forum promoting women's work and gender equality. It is an opportunity for training, sharing, and dialogue that involves all social parties: institutions, businesses, women's associations, businesswomen and professionals, coaches, role models. It is structured over two days with roundtables, debates, and testimonials (plenary session); training sessions, masterclasses, and practical workshops (thematic rooms); one-to-one mentoring face-to-face with associations and HR; spaces for personalized advice, from how to present oneself best to how to invest one's money.

Following is an excerpt from the program with the interventions of Women&Tech® ETS.

The speakers

Daniela Aleggiani
Vice President and Secretary General of the 3M Foundation - ETS
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Marielle Binken
Graphic Facilitator and Founder of Komunikado
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Valentina Brambilla
Senior Recruiter & Employer Branding Specialist, Banca Mediolanum
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Viviana Callea
Engineer and Professional Certified Coach
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Carla Capussela
EMEA Marketing Campaigns Leader, Lenovo Infrastructure Solutions Group
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Sara Carrino
Content Strategist
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Monica Casadei
CEO Iride Acque SB Srl
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Giulia D'Angelo
Master's degree in Neuroengineering (University of Genoa), PhD student in Neuroscience (The University of Manchester - IIT)
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Mariagrazia Del Vescovo
Senior Account Executive, HERE Technologies
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Anna Dotti
PhD student in Materials Engineering, Polytechnic University of Milan
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Erika Fattori
Group Brand Strategy Director and Brand & Communication Director Italy, NEXI
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Maria Francesca Quattrone
Lawyer specializing in industrial and intellectual property
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Raffaella Geometrante
General Manager of Kyma SpA and Director of Kyma tehnologija doo
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Annalisa Giangregorio
Experience Design Lead, Oracle
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Valentina Goglio
Admission & Recruitment Management Academy - POLIMI Graduate School of Management, Politecnico di Milano
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Iuliana Golovatii
HR Learning and Development Intern, SAP
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Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

10:45 - 11:15
MASTERCLASS: Networking Leadership: how to develop valuable professional relationships.
Guests/Speakers: Valentina Goglio

17:00 - 17:40
MASTERCLASS: The power of storytelling: how to enhance the art of telling your story to grow your business.
Guests/Speakers: Sara Carrino

09:40 - 10:40
FULLY EQUIPPED ROOM: "The future of work"
Guests/Speakers: Gianna Martinengo

They intervene

  • Alberto Calcagno, CEO, Fastweb;
  • Mirella Cerutti, Regional Vice President & Managing Director, SAS Italy;
  • Rita Angela Lutzoni, Sustainability manager, H&M Italia;
  • Gianna Martinengo , Founder and President of Didael KTS, Creator and President of Women&Tech® ETS, Member of the International Advisory Board @STOA panel for the Future of Science & Technology.
  • Giulia Menichetti, Principal Investigator and Junior Faculty, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.

Moderator Davide Coero Borga , journalist.

11:20 - 12:00
MASTERCLASS: Spill the STEM: how to acquire the passport for future jobs in Digital, Biotech, New Materials, Energy and Environment

12:15 - 13:05
PLENARY ROOM: "Non-linear careers and failure"
Guests/Speakers: Raffaella Geometrante

They intervene

  • Raffaella Geometrante , General Director, Kyma SpA;
  • Darya Majidi, Founder and CEO, Daxo Group;
  • Federica Tremolada, Managing Director, Southern and Eastern Europe, Spotify.

Moderating Annalisa Monfreda , journalist, and Monserrat Fernandez Blanco , cultural manager.

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