Lilia Alberghina

Lilia Alberghina

Professore Ordinario presso il dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Bioscienze dell’Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca


Lilia Alberghina is Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy. In this University she has been member of Board of Regents, member of the Administrative Board and Chairperson of the teaching program in Industrial Biotechnology. She is Scholar of the Johns Hopkins University, USA, where she moved as Research Associate after receiving a PhD in Biology. Back to Italy she started a line of research on the biochemistry of cell growth and division that in more recent years has focused on signal transduction and cell cycle control.

Lilia Alberghina has pioneered in Italy research in the systems biology of the cell cycle opening new understanding on the molecular mechanisms controlling entrance into S phase.

She has published about 300 papers on scientific international journals. Lilia Alberghina also published books, including “Biotecnologie e Bioindustria” (L. Alberghina, E. Cernia, UTET, 1996). She is Editor of the book “Protein Engineering in Industrial Biotechnology” (Harwood Academic publisher, 2000) and co-editor of the book : “Systems Biology: Definitions and Perspectives”(Springer Verlag 2005).

Currently she is:

  • President of the scientific Association “Systems Biology and ICT for Health”.
  • Scientific director of the Lab. of Neurosciences “Rita Levi-Montalcini” at CEBIB-Bicocca
  • Scientific expert in charge of the italian Ministry of University and Research, for the evaluation of FAR and PRIN projects
  • Member of the Committee for “Finance and Innovation” created by Finlombarda.
  • Member of the Steering Committee “Forward look on Systems Biology” of the European Science Foundation.
  • Founder member of the Yeast Systems Biology Network
  • Member of the Scientific Committee for the International Meeting IBS 2010
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