Clara Mancini

Clara Mancini

Ricercatrice nel Natural Language Generation Group al Department of Computing, Open University


Nata in Italia, a Pisa, papà bioingegnere e mamma pittrice, una laurea in arte, dottorato in Knowledge Media al Knowledge Media Institute, UK, dove si stabilisce nel 1999. Attualmente è ricercatrice nel Natural Language Generation Group al Department of Computing, Open University. Presenta una relazione in cui si interroga sui confini di genere, sul modo di oltrepassarli e di dimenticarli.

Born in Italy, in Pisa. Her father was a bio‐engineer and her mother a painter. She obtained a degree in arts and a PHD in Knowledge Media from the Knowledge Media Institute, UK, where she moved in 1999. She is currently working as a researcher for the Natural Language Generation Group, Dept. of Computing, Open University. In her report, she will be questioning the gender boundaries, and assessing how best to overcome them and leave them behind us.

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