
My name is Alessia, I am 24 years old and science has become my greatest passion since I discovered, during my studies, how humans are able to modify the mechanisms underlying human life.

My curiosity and passion for biotechnologies first led me to obtain a position at the University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz, where I had the opportunity to study the world of Green Biotech and various micropropagation techniques, and later in the laboratories of the Li Ka Shing Department at the University of California, Berkeley, where I had the opportunity to research the mTORC1 protein complex. This experience taught me a very important lesson: science can truly change people's lives.

My goal in life is to make a difference through new discoveries or find new methods of applying existing knowledge that can improve the health, life, and well-being of people.

After obtaining a bachelor's degree in Industrial Biotechnology, in order to fill the gaps in my legal disciplines and deepen my scientific knowledge, I completed a Master's degree in Criminology with a thesis analyzing recent discoveries according to which likely dysfunctions or disregulations of genes that control mtDNA replication may allow biparental transmission of mtDNA itself, opening new frontiers to current therapeutic treatments of pathogenic transmission of mitochondrial DNA.

Currently, I am attending the Master's degree course in Medical Biotechnology at Alma Mater Studiorum in Bologna and I hope this is the first step towards achieving my goals!

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