11 November 2021
Poster Ready4Future


The Women&Tech Association, whose mission is to enhance female talent in technology, innovation, and scientific research, from November 11th to 15th will participate in Time4child - Feed the Future.
However, our contribution starts from here: the Association tells about the holistic approach and the visionary capacity necessary to train young people for the jobs of the future.

According to the report Skills Outlook 2021 by the OECD, the "education-work-retirement" process is considered more obsolete than ever. The megatrends that characterize the post-pandemic labor market determine the rapid obsolescence of many skills and knowledge, opening up to "new" professional roles, those that will soon be more in demand.

In this scenario marked by profound transformations, starting from the trades means looking at what will be, clearly outlining the occupational needs of the future, and guiding the younger ones towards a full understanding of the professions they could face as adults. A revolutionary reversal of the classic "training -> work" process, following a route that Gianna Martinengo, founder of Women&Tech - Associazione Donne e Tecnologie, identified and outlined twelve years ago: "Young people must be able to face training proposals that look to the future. Directing ourselves towards a training oriented to acquiring key skills for the future means offering all young people the opportunity to access prominent professions, as well as preparing resources capable of driving innovation".

In pursuit of this mission, Gianna Martinengo, within the Association, outlined in 2009 Ready4Future, a social innovation project to guide the new generations towards the professions and trades of the future. An idea that today, in 2021, is more relevant than ever, promoting a holistic vision of the learning processes, in which humanistic knowledge and technical-scientific knowledge integrate and enrich each other. Positioning itself as a tool for career guidance and education, Ready4Future aims to create a web platform available to young people, where they can build relationships and benefit from carefully selected educational proposals by a team of experts: professionals who, starting from their field experience, share the fundamental guidelines to understand the professions of tomorrow.

Furthermore, the project includes many "in-person" events: events based on discussion and dialogue (FutureCamp Day); school/work alternation (OrientaCamp); guided visits to innovative companies or research centers (OpenSees); robotics and coding workshops (TechLab).

As Gianna Martinengo recounts: " With our project, we aim to make known the new opportunities offered by the world of work, to stimulate vocations and interests in young people, to open their eyes to an integrated view of study disciplines. Our Association was the first in Italy to promote the transition from STEM to STEAM: the A stands for the humanities, integrated into the heart of the technical-scientific ones. Not by chance, the sectors that offer the greatest development opportunities are articulated in a multidisciplinary key: digital technologies (such as AI, robotics, video games, virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D, blockchain, machine learning, digital twins, big data analysis, Internet of things, quantum computing), bio technologies (such as bioinformatics, bioelectronics, industrial biotechnologies, health, environmental biotechnologies, neurotechnologies), new materials (such as nanomaterials, e-textiles, smart materials, flexible electronics, photonics), energy and environment (biofuels, hydrogen technologies, bioplastics, smart grids, solar energy)."

Ready4Future is not only aimed at the youngest, but also at all those social and emotional actors who support and advise them: teachers, parents, families in general, and the world of work (companies, public entities, unions, third sector). The ultimate goal is to build a physical and virtual, global and local place where the actors involved in the project can meet, get to know each other, and exchange valuable information. A welcoming and inclusive space to connect and create value, looking to the future with proactivity and awareness.

Program and details

Within a customized digital platform, there will be rooms and activities tailored for both adults and children. Alongside the virtual event, there will be in-person activities to engage both adults and children. Live events, on-demand content, gamification activities, physical spin-offs. Ministers, institutions, scholars, academics, doctors and experts, entertainment and communication personalities, chefs and food bloggers, stakeholders will participate.

The environment in which the user lands as soon as they enter the platform looks like a city because this year T4C is set in an entirely urban context, with a pop style in line with the young target. From here, the user can access all the virtual environments, among which we highlight:
  • Auditorium : Heart of the event, because here you can attend all the live sessions with various guests, including the 5 sessions curated by Women&Tech ( download the complete program ).
  • Area on demand: Important environment because it will allow users to review live content they were unable to watch.
  • Exhibition Area: Environment from which you will be able to access all the participants' stands at T4C, including the Women&Tech virtual stand, and discover the content offered to users (multimedia files, gaming activities, webinars, video clips, image galleries).


Daniela Aleggiani
Vice President and Secretary General of the 3M Foundation - ETS
Visit the speaker's page
Monica Casadei
Founder - President Strategic Committee, Iride Acque SB Srl
Visit the speaker's page
Maria Costanzo
Technology Solution Engineers Director - Oracle Italy
Visit the speaker's page
Anna Dotti
PhD student in Materials Engineering, Polytechnic University of Milan
Visit the speaker's page
Mary Franzese
Co-founder and CMO of Neuron Guard
Visit the speaker's page
Raffaella Geometrante
General Manager of Kyma SpA and Director of Kyma tehnologija doo
Visit the speaker's page
Luisella Giani
EMEA Head of Industry Transformation, Oracle
Visit the speaker's page
Laura Liguori
Vice President of Women&Tech® and Partner at Portolano Cavallo
Visit the speaker's page
Marzia Milan
Master in Manufacturing Management, University of Hertfordshire
Visit the speaker's page
Eugenia Presot
Active member of the Pietro Presot tannery in Porcia
Visit the speaker's page
Germana Remigi
Electrical engineer, Innovative platform services, RAI
Visit the speaker's page
Olga Rickards
Head of the Department of Biology and Center for Molecular Anthropology for the study of ancient DNA - Full Professor …
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Micaela Romanini
Vice Direttore, Fondazione VIGAMUS, Direttore Sviluppo Aziendale, Idra Interactive Studios
Visit the speaker's page
Alessia Soru
Graduate Research Assistant, UniBO
Visit the speaker's page


Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

14:00 - 14:40
Engineering, a profession in continuous evolution, a profession to design the future

Dialogue between two female engineers discussing the prospects of STEM professions

Dialogue between two engineers discussing the prospects of STEM professions. A comparison of viewpoints starting from their own professional history, to analyze how technological evolution has accompanied the evolution of the engineering profession, how being women and mothers has influenced their career path, and finally to indicate to young people which study paths they can undertake in the STEM area.

14:00 - 14:40

A video game to tell molecular anthropology

CODE#DNA is the applied game created to promote the activity of the Center for Molecular Anthropology for the study of ancient DNA at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata," also serving as a modern form of advertisement for the Biology Degree Courses. In CODE DNA, the main character is the researcher Emma, a young molecular anthropologist whose task is to solve various scientific cases by studying the ancient DNA of various artifacts and human remains. During the game, Emma will have to retrace five different "cases," all inspired by real research conducted by the Center for Molecular Anthropology for the study of ancient DNA. To do this, she will visit five different levels, corresponding to as many sites, exploring them in search of artifacts and clues to study in the laboratory. The environments include: the Lazzaretto Nuovo in Venice (where the remains of a woman from the 16th century were found), Grotta Guattari in San Felice Circeo (home to a particular Neanderthal burial site), Seville (where Christopher Columbus is believed to be buried), and the Cathedral of San Fermo in Verona (considered the burial place of a great Templar knight).

14:00 - 14:40
Build a better world

How companies contribute every day to sustainability goals.

Today it is clear that everyone can and must do their part if we want to achieve the sustainability goals shared globally by the United Nations to safeguard the environment and save our planet. Everyone can contribute according to their activities, as an individual, family, organization, or company. Companies have long initiated programs to improve their activities and some have made clear field choices, basing their strategies on sustainability principles. We will have examples of how this can be done, with commitment and responsibility for the good of all.

14:00 - 14:40
Let's talk about Women&Tech®
Guests/Speakers: Mary Franzese Laura Liguori

In this meeting, Laura Liguori (Vice-President Women&Tech) and Mary Franzese (member of the Women&Tech Board of Directors) will present the association, its history, the reasons that led to its foundation by Gianna Martinengo in 2009, and the initiatives and projects that have been carried out over the years to promote female talent in technology, innovation, and scientific research, combat stereotypes and gender discrimination, contribute to guiding young people towards future professions and sustainable entrepreneurial models. Among the many projects implemented by Women&Tech, we will particularly mention Ready4future, a social innovation project that since 2009 aims to guide the new generations towards the professions and trades of the future. An idea that today, in 2021, is more relevant than ever, promoting a holistic vision of learning processes, where humanistic knowledge and technical-scientific knowledge integrate and enrich each other.

14:00 - 14:40
What will the cities of the future be like?

Becoming more sustainable thanks to Artificial Intelligence

Through the model of a smart city, built with Lego, but wired and connected with sensors and open source gateways (Arduino, Raspberry PI) connected to Oracle cloud services, you can follow the "steps" of a citizen of the future, whose day is improved from going to work to coming back home, thanks to an endless series of new opportunities. You can discover the possibilities offered by artificial intelligence and machine learning and identify possible future jobs in this sector.

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