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Poster per l'evento intitolato "IX edizione del Premio Le Tecnovisionarie - “La Finanza è un mondo di donne”"

IX edition of the Le Tecnovisionarie Award - "Finance is a world of women"

08 June 2016
Poster per l'evento intitolato "IX edizione del Premio Le Tecnovisionarie - “La Finanza è un mondo di donne”"

The International Award "The Technovisionaries®" is awarded every year to women who have demonstrated vision in their professional activities, prioritizing social impact, transparency in behavior, and ethics. They are "The Technovisionaries" in the fields of research, innovation, and business.

The Jury is composed of qualified representatives from the thematic areas of the various competition categories, from the world of culture and communication.

Diana Bracco
President and CEO of the Bracco Group and President of the Bracco Foundation

Deborah Chiodoni
Director of External Relations and Press, Leonardo da Vinci Science and Technology Museum, Milan.

Laura La Posta
Chief Editor of "Il Sole 24 Ore", in charge of the supplement Rapporti

Gianna Martinengo
President of Didael KTS and Founder of the Women and Technology Association

Patrizia Rutigliano
President of Ferpi and Director of Institutional Relations and Communication at Snam

Federica Villa
Manager of the Presidency and Institutional Relations Chamber of Commerce of Milan

The collection of submissions for the 9th edition 2016 of the Prize ended on May 9, 2016. Among the received nominations, a selection of finalists was made, including the winners for each category of the competition.

The awards that were assigned during the 2016 edition are:

Women Finance

This award is aimed at women who have dedicated their passion and professionalism to the complex relationship between Finance and Business.

Donne Sostenibilità

This award is aimed at women who have dedicated their work to the theme of Sustainability (sustainable and social finance).

Donne Innovazione

Destined for women engaged in technological and social innovation.

Donne Media

Destined for women engaged in disseminating topics related to finance.

Donne Territorio

Intended for women who have promoted managerial and business models aimed at enhancing the territory on which they operate.

Donne CEO

Destined for women who have reached top positions in important companies, thanks to their entrepreneurial and managerial skills.

Donne Future

Destined for female researchers or entrepreneurs in the technology and finance sector.

European Prize

Designed for women who have developed their professional career at an international and European level.

The awards ceremony took place on Wednesday, June 8th at the National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci" in Milan. The invitation-only ceremony was attended by business leaders, university representatives, public administration officials, and personalities from the scientific and media world. A total of 70 women have been awarded from 2008 to 2016.

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The speakers

Anna Amati
Founder and Vice President of Meta Group Member of the Executive Committee of Italy Startup
Visit the speaker's page
Maria Ameli
Head of Corporate Finance, Real Estate, Art Advisory and Director of Club Deal Investment Banca Generali
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Roberta Benaglia
Founding partner and CEO of Style Capital Sgr
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Barbara Bianchi Bonomi
President of Children in Crisis and the Angelo Bianchi Bonomi Foundation
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Gabriella Camboni
CEO of BiovelocITA s.r.l.
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Elena Casolari
CEO of the ACRA-CCSC Foundation from the Human Progress Foundation
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Donatella Ceccarelli
Chairwoman of the Executive Board - Flick Privatstiftung
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Chiara Dorigotti
General Manager of SEA Prime
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Francesca Fedeli
Founder of Fight The Stroke and writer
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Anna Gervasoni
General Director of AIFI
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Melissa Peretti
Country Manager American Express
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Debora Rosciani
Radio journalist, Radio 24 / Il Sole 24 Ore
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Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

Women Finance Award 2016
Guests/Speakers: Anna Gervasoni

This award is aimed at women who have dedicated their passion and professionalism to the complex relationship between Finance and Business.

Anna Gervasoni
Anna Gervasoni, a Technovisionary in the Italian finance industry, has over the years managed to grow and innovate in the topics related to her sector and has shown great ability and willingness to enhance the work and skills of women. She founded AIFI 30 years ago, the Italian association of private equity, venture capital, and private debt; she is the promoter of initiatives such as Venture Up, a new marketplace that facilitates the meeting between venture capitalists and innovative companies, and has contributed to the launch in Italy of the Credit Funds Asset Class. She is the author of numerous essays and manuals in the sector, holds a chair in Economics and Business Management at LIUC, and is a board member of prestigious listed companies.

Award delivery: Federico Visconti Rector of Carlo Cattaneo University - LIUC

Women Sustainability Award 2016

This award is aimed at women who have dedicated their work to the theme of Sustainability (sustainable and social finance).

Barbara Bianchi Bonomi President of Children in Crisis President of the Angelo Bianchi Bonomi Foundation Barbara Bianchi Bonomi has always worked with great commitment, passion, and selflessness in combating youth distress, school dropout, social marginalization, poverty, and other situations of serious distress in Italy and the Third World. With her Association Children in Crisis, and in collaboration with local communities, she supports and carries out numerous projects aimed at improving the living conditions of children victims of conflicts or exclusion, providing them with assistance, education, protection, entertainment, and peace. "To love one's neighbor means knowing how to give everything," is the embodiment of her philosophy.

Award delivery: Sara Doris Executive President of the Mediolanum Foundation onlus and Technovisionary 2014

Elena Casolari
CEO of the ACRA-CCS Foundation
Member of the Board of the Umano Progresso Foundation

Elena Casolari is awarded for the competence, sensitivity, and tenacity demonstrated in proposing, among the first in the world and first in Italy, the implementation of a new concept of sustainable development that combines social aspects and finance. Through Opes Impact Fund, she has created an investment model potentially capable of combating poverty in countries with limited levels of development. She has provided funding to social enterprises operating in Africa and India, leveraging her extensive experience in international financial institutions; she has made long-term investments to support growth, creating jobs and development in economically disadvantaged areas. Her commitment has sparked interest and has been an example for the global replication of social finance experiences.

Award delivery: Luciano Carbone CCO Sea

Alessandra Viscovi
General Manager of Etica Sgr

Women Innovation Award 2016
Guests/Speakers: Anna Amati

Destined for women engaged in technological and social innovation.

Anna Amati
Founder and Vice President of Meta Group
Member of the Executive Committee of Italia Startup

Anna Amati, a key figure in the Italian and European venture capital world for over 20 years, has contributed with expertise, concreteness, and determination to the development of matching funds between public and private sectors for startup financing. Combining visionary spirit, social passion, and great professional competence, she has conceived and experimented with innovative financial models that will drive entrepreneurial paths in the third millennium. Her future vision, capable of surpassing the "economic-utilitarian" approach, focuses on enhancing the potential of the new generations, with a strong emphasis on young people and women.

Award delivery: Valeria Fascione, Councillor for Internationalization, Startups, and Innovation of the Campania Region

Women Media Award 2016
Guests/Speakers: Debora Rosciani

Destined for women engaged in disseminating topics related to finance.

Debora Rosciani
Journalist, Radio 24 / Il Sole 24 Ore
Debora Rosciani was the first to apply the concept of prevention to the world of personal finance, emphasizing the importance of information and financial education as starting points for making informed choices.
She has highlighted the "pink" face of finance, on one hand emphasizing the contribution that professionals in this sector express with their qualities of foresight, planning, care, and resilience in times of crisis; on the other hand, valuing the role of all women - in everyday life - as natural administrators of family finances. All this in many years of daily hosting of programs dedicated to these topics and in her recent book "Donne di denari" (Women of Money).

Award presentation: Nicoletta Carbone, Journalist Radio 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore and Technovisionary 2011

Women Territory Award 2016
Guests/Speakers: Melissa Peretti

Destined for women who have promoted managerial and business models aimed at enhancing the territory on which they operate.

Melissa Peretti
Country Manager American Express
Melissa Peretti, the first Italian woman to assume the role of Country Manager Italy for American Express, is an extraordinary example of integration of economic-financial, humanistic, and social disciplines. Melissa is an expert in the payments and financial services sector, and her results make her extremely qualified to lead the 1,000 people working at American Express Italy. A strong supporter of talent development and the importance of a corporate culture that values diversity, she passionately dedicates herself to projects aimed at increasing female leadership and promoting women's presence in the company. Melissa Peretti holds a degree in Economics and Commerce and has obtained a Master's in Business Administration.
Her approach is summed up by the following statement: "Economics is based on people's lives, to understand it better, it is important to have empathy, follow the thoughts, dreams, and hopes of those around you."

Award presented by: Francesca Lo Schiavo, set designer and Oscar winner.

Women CEO Award 2016
Guests/Speakers: Roberta Benaglia

Destined for women who have reached top positions in important companies, thanks to their entrepreneurial and managerial skills.

Roberta Benaglia
Founding Partner and CEO of Style Capital Sgr
Roberta Benaglia was the first woman to have the insight to launch a vertical private equity fund with a specific investment focus on Italian Style in its expressions of excellence: fashion, food, and furniture.
Graduated with honors in Management Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Milan, she began her career in the "Listing Department" of Borsa Italiana, before entering the world of private equity in 2001, where she has been operating for over ten years and has achieved successful operations with significant returns on invested capital. Among these, we remember the investment in the company Light Force (Twin-Set brand) and Golden Goose. She holds important positions on the Board of Directors of companies. Her distinctive trait is characterized by her enduring love for challenges, for difficult goals to achieve, and by the determination she puts into every action she undertakes.

Award delivery: Marina Salamon, Entrepreneur

Women Future Award 2016
Guests/Speakers: Gabriella Camboni

Destined for female researchers or entrepreneurs in the technology and finance sector.

Gabriella Camboni
CEO of BiovelocITA s.r.l.
After an important career in the multinational pharmaceutical industry, Gabriella Camboni has intelligently, foresightfully, and analytically promoted and managed entrepreneurial initiatives in the pharma-biotech sector, such as the IPO of Novuspharma and the sale of EOS to Clovis Oncology, a company listed on the Nasdaq, for almost half a billion dollars, as well as the co-founding of BiovelocITA, the first Italian biotech accelerator for advancing excellence in academic projects towards practical products, with the support of significant Italian and foreign funds. These successful operations have contributed, on a national and international level, to increasing the value of both know-how and economically in the sector over the last 10 years, and have been carried out with scientific humility and recognized leadership.

Award delivery: Maria Luisa Nolli, Entrepreneur and newly elected President of the Women and Technologies Association

Special Europe Award 2016
Guests/Speakers: Donatella Ceccarelli

Destined for women who have developed their professional career at an international and European level.

Donatella Ceccarelli
Chairwoman of the Executive Board Fondazione Privata Flick - Vienna
In a chaotic and confusing world, Donatella Ceccarelli can anticipate choices and investments with firmness and clarity; she senses and understands new trends, without easy enthusiasm, with prudent confidence in the future. She plans new programs without abandoning the security of the known present, stabilizing every choice with the ancient wise projection of feminine sensitivity. In her rich curriculum, experiences stand out, always international, at Deutsche Bank, Lehman Brothers International Europe, at the consulting company GCS Business Capital, at Merrill Lynch International Bank. For the Fondazione Privata Flick, she leads a dedicated team of asset management specialists who are tasked with safeguarding and managing the private and personal wealth of the Flick family.

Award presented by: Cristina Rossello, Lawyer specializing in corporate, banking, and securities law, and president of the Women and Future Project

Tecnovisionarie 2016 - Special Mentions

Maria Ameli
Commercial Director of the Private Banking Team at Ersel Sim

Maria Ameli boasts technical skills in the financial sector. Her professional growth has been supported by her analytical, complex situation management, and problem-solving abilities, as well as her versatile qualities (she has a degree in Nuclear Engineering, with a mathematical and physical focus), but also and above all by the ethical and moral values that characterize her. A generous woman, she believes in sharing and collaboration as fundamental elements to achieve successful results at work and is committed to mentoring young professionals in their career path. She is honest, fair, and loyal, values that are not always taken for granted in the work environment.

Chiara Dorigotti
CEO of SEA Prime

Chiara Dorigotti has made her experiences in Finance available to SEA Prime (her first steps in an investment bank in London, work in the M&A team of the holding company of a leading Italian industrial group; the role of IR manager of an important Internet Company). She brought to the development of the general aviation business entrusted to her by SEA her medium and long-term vision, placing it at the service of clear objectives: a strong and precise identity and a project that started from the values and assets of the territory in which it operates, Milan, to amplify them and give the city a new energy and new growth opportunities. Her excellent work was appreciated already at Expo by all passengers and tourists, who were able to benefit from a modern, elegant and efficient airport terminal. Chiara is a brilliant, dynamic, enterprising manager with strong leadership and team building skills, as well as a great problem solver.

Francesca Fedeli
President and Co-Founder of Fight the Stroke

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