Barbara Bianchi Bonomi

Barbara Bianchi Bonomi

President of Children in Crisis and the Angelo Bianchi Bonomi Foundation

Participate in:

IX edition of the Le Tecnovisionarie Award - "Finance is a world of women"

Barbara has been the president of Children in Crisis and the Angelo Bianchi Bonomio Foundation since 2005. This non-profit association exists to improve the living conditions of children who are victims of conflicts, poverty, diseases, or other situations of serious distress. It collaborates with local communities to provide education, healthcare, and protection. We operate development projects in Tanzania, Ecuador, and Italy. It collaborates with Children in Crisis UK in Liberia and Sierra Leone.

In Italy with projects to support children living in communities to help them grow joyfully and with projects against school dropout.
With the Pepita Youth Orchestra Project, which involves young people from the outskirts of Milan: music as a bulwark against youth distress and a source of essential values.

Type of employment: PRESIDENT

Main duties and responsibilities: Legal Representative, Fundraising Manager, Responsible for assistance projects in Italy and abroad, Organizational Manager, since 2006

ANGELO BIANCHI BONOMI FOUNDATION - Piazza Castello 2, 20121 Milan
Research and assistance organization in the field of bleeding disorders and thrombosis. The Foundation supports the Angelo Bianchi Bonomi Center at the RCSS CA' Granda Foundation Policlinic Hospital in Milan.
The Foundation supports the Angelo Bianchi Bonomi Research Center at the University of Milan.
Legal Representative, Asset Management Responsible, Scholarship Committee Member, Financial Aid Committee Member, from 2009 to 2011.

City Councilor
President of the Education Commission from 2002 to 2007

Councilor District 1
President of the CAM Management Commission - Managing four Multifunctional Aggregation Centers from 1993 to 2002

STUDIO TRE B S.r.l. - Foro Buonaparte 76, 20121 Milano
Agency for services and event organization, press office, in-store promotion.
Organization of promotional campaigns, organization of sponsored sports events.
Management of promotional campaigns throughout the national territory. Sampling and Merchandising.
Personnel coordination and logistics management.
Owner from 1982 to 1992

WE DO IT S.r.l. - via Masera 6, 20129 Milan
Creation of one of the first service agencies in Italy.
Service agency - Hostess service for fashion shows, conferences, and trade fairs.
Events - Company Day - Openings - Corporate parties
Development in Italy of coordinated franchising agencies.

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