Roberta Cocco

Roberta Cocco

Councillor for Digital Transformation and Civic Services


Married with three children, graduated in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the State University of Milan, she completed her education with a Master's degree in Marketing, Communication, and Public Relations at ISFOR and by attending numerous courses and updates in the field of Marketing and Corporate Communication, in Italy and the United States.

A long career at Microsoft in various roles until becoming Central Marketing Director. Since 2014, he has been the Director of National Development Plans for Western Europe, promoting innovation projects for the development and implementation of the Digital Agenda with Governments and Institutions in the 12 Nations of the area, from Portugal to Finland. Since 2004, with futuro@lfemminile, he has been working on projects to bridge the gender gap through ICT in close collaboration with international Public and Private organizations including United Nations Women, UNESCO, ITU, UNRIC.

She gave life in 2013 to a project dedicated to the technical-scientific training of girls, Nuvola Rosa, which in turn inspired in 2016 #MakeWhatsNext, an initiative adopted by 27 European countries, reaching over 10,000 girls.

Since February 2006, he has been an Adjunct Professor of "Brand Management and Communication" at the Specialized Degree in Marketing at the LIUC University in Castellanza (VA). In 2010, he was awarded the title of Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic by the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano. In 2016, he joined the Sala Board as Councillor for Digital Transformation and Civic Services.

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