Erika Lipani

Erika Lipani

Master's Degree in Industrial Biotechnology, Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences - University of Pavia

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Master's Degree in Industrial Biotechnology, Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences - University of Pavia. Curious biotechnologist, passionate about health, and eager to grow and learn. Graduated in Biological Sciences, I decided to continue my scientific studies by obtaining a master's degree in Industrial Biotechnology, which allowed me to deepen the technological applications of biology.

It was during these years that I became passionate about Health Biotechnologies, discovering alternative paths to basic research, which led me right after graduation to work as an Assistant to the Management and Communication in an industrial Technology Transfer company in the Red Biotech sector.

Currently, I work as a Business Developer in a start-up that is the first digital polyclinic in Italy, with the aim of making healthcare services easier and more accessible.

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