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Include tutti coloro che ci hanno accompagnato con la loro competenza e solidarietà dal 2007 come speakers, membri dell'Associazione e Tecnovisionarie.



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Luca Carra

Journalist and director of Scienzainrete

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Lara Carrese

HR Director, Econocom Group Italy

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Sara Carrino

Content Strategist

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Monica Casadei

CEO Iride Acque SB Srl

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Elena Casolari

CEO of the ACRA-CCSC Foundation from the Human Progress Foundation

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Carolina Castagnetti

Associate Professor of Political Economy and President of the Single Guarantor Committee of the University of Pavia

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Francesca Castelvedere

Experienced collaborating nurse, Company pedagogical tutor SITRA, Responsible for the ministerial project Health Promoters in penitentiary institutions, AO Spedali Civili.

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Isabella Castiglioni

Scientific Advisor at DeepTrace Technologies

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Elsa Catalano

Group Data Protection Officer (DPO) at Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Group

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Rita Cataldo

Chief Executive Officer of Takeda Italy

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Tiziana Catarci

Full Professor of Information Processing Systems, Head of the Department of Computer Engineering, Automatics, and Management - La Sapienza University …

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Marco Cattaneo

Responsible Director of "Le Scienze".

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Elena Cattaneo

Director of the Stem Cell Biology and Pharmacology of Neurodegenerative Disease Laboratory at the University of Milan, Senator for life

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Lucia Cattani

Responsabile Ricerca e Sviluppo presso la SEAS-SA e docente presso l'Università degli Studi di Pavia

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Sandra Cattapan

Head of Foreign Human Resources Coordination @ Banca Mediolanum

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Lucia Cavalca

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

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Paola Cavallero

Director of Marketing & Operations - Microsoft Italy

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Luca Cavalletto

Asset Management Manager Unareti

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Chiara Cavazzini

Head of Training and Research Management Service - Coordinator of the Nursing Home

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Valentina Cazzaniga

People Initiatives Partner EMEA, SAP

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Donatella Ceccarelli

Chairwoman of the Executive Board - Flick Privatstiftung

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Ilaria Ceccarelli

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery, specializing in Thoracic Surgery, University of Pisa

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Adriano Ceccherini

Director of Mid Market and Channel, and Chief Operating Officer of SAP Italy and Greece

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Simona Celi

Head of BioCardioLab, OUC Bioengineering, Tuscany G. Monasterio Foundation

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Through partnerships and networking, events, mentorship, and training, Women&Tech aims to create an environment where women can excel and innovate in the tech sector.

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