The community Women&Tech

Include tutti coloro che ci hanno accompagnato con la loro competenza e solidarietà dal 2007 come speakers, membri dell'Associazione e Tecnovisionarie.



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Letizia D'Abbondanza

Capo del Dipartimento Clienti @ Axa

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Mauro Dacasto

Full Professor in Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology - President of the Degree Course in Biotechnologies for Food, University of Padua

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Emma Dalbuono

Management Engineering, second year, bachelor's degree, Polytechnic University of Milan

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Roberto Dall'Aglio

Nutraceutical expert.

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Elisabetta Dallavalle

Founder ELEhub, Chief Happiness Officer®, Olistic Self-Science operator®, Welfare Manager ® and Wellbeing, Inclusion & Sustainability Advocacy

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Amleto D'Amicis

University professor and Vice President of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition (SINU).

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Marilisa D'Amico

Full Professor of Constitutional Law and Constitutional Justice at the Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law of the Faculty …

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Annalisa D'Andrea

Loan Manager

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Francesca Danesi

Researcher, Department of Agri-Food Sciences and Technologies, University of Bologna

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Giulia D'Angelo

Master's degree in Neuroengineering (University of Genoa), PhD student in Neuroscience (The University of Manchester - IIT)

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Salvatore D’Aniello

Senior Corporate Advisor @Banca Generali

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Monica D'Ascenzo

Financial Journalist and Writer

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Elena David

CEO of UNA Hotels & Resorts and President of AICEO - Italian CEO Association

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Roberto De Agostini

Head of Media & Public Relations - Banca Mediolanum SpA

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Salvatore De Caro

Business Process Intelligence Architect, SAP Italy

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Fiorella De Cindio

Associate professor at the University of Milan, she is the president of A.I.Re.C.

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Luciana De Laurentiis

Head of Corporate Culture & Inclusion

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Marina Del Bue

Executive President of Edita S.p.A., a company active in the digital sector

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Bianca Del Genio

Capo Legale @ Nexi

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Francesca Dellegrazie

Capo della Comunicazione @ Credit Agricole

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Piercarla Delpiano

President Stelline Foundation

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Barbara Del Pio

Editorial Manager - Italiaonline

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Daniele Del Rio

Assistant Professor of Human Nutrition at the University of Parma

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Mariagrazia Del Vescovo

Senior Account Executive, HERE Technologies

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