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Gender equality

Join us and be part of the change

In a world where technological innovation is advancing by leaps and bounds, gender equality in the tech sector still remains a distant goal.

Our association is committed every day to supporting women in the technology field, working tirelessly to reduce disparities and create a more inclusive and fair work environment. But to continue making a difference, we need your help.

With your support, we can:

  • Expand our training and mentorship programs, providing women with the necessary tools to advance in their tech careers.
  • Promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace, raising awareness among companies about the importance of a fair environment.
  • Support research and initiatives aimed at understanding and combating the causes of gender disparity in the tech sector.

Every donation, big or small, makes a big difference. Together, we can build a future where women are valued, supported, and represented equally in the technology sector.

Join us in the fight for gender equality in technology. Support our cause and be part of the change.

Percentage of women in the technology sector
The median gender pay gap in the technology sector in Europe
At a global level, the gender gap in education has been reduced to 95%, showing significant, but not complete, parity.

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