
Admission & Recruitment Management Academy at POLIMI Graduate School of Management, Professional Coach ACC ICF

Passionate and curious HR professional, during her career, first at IED Istituto Europeo di Design and then at POLIMI Graduate School of Management at the Politecnico di Milano, she has been dedicated to activities of Employer Branding, Talent Acquisition of junior and senior profiles, and has contributed to the design of innovative and digital training programs.

She has overseen the development of the strategy and activities of engagement, continuous learning, and networking for the Alumni community. She is a supporter and part of the Scientific Committee of Women & Technologies ETS. Professional Coach ACC of ICF since 2020.

Contributor of "The available work", text curated by Luca Maniscalco and published by Dario Flaccovio in 2022. He is one of the 267 Mentors of the Mentorship Milano Project, launched by the Municipality of Milan in 2023, the first public mentoring initiative.

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