Cecilia Robustelli

Cecilia Robustelli

Professor of Italian Linguistics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia


Cecilia Robustelli (Pisa Graduate in Literature; Reading (GB) MA, PhD) has conducted scientific and educational activities in England (London Royal Holloway and Cambridge) and the USA as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar (Cornell University). She teaches Italian Linguistics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. During Michaelmas Term 2016, she was a Visiting Fellow at Trinity Hall, Oxford, and Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics, University of Oxford. She is responsible for Erasmus exchanges with the universities of Bergen, Copenhagen, Ljubljana, and Warsaw. She holds institutional positions at the University, where she is a member of the CUG.

Her research interests focus on theory and models of description of grammar; history of grammar and elaboration of the Italian standard in the 16th century; European linguistic policy and the role of Italian in the institutions of the EU; language and gender in everyday and institutional communication; language in the interaction human being-robot. She has more than ninety publications, including a reference grammar of contemporary Italian (A Reference Grammar of Modern Italian, Arnold, London, 20072). Since 2000 she has collaborated with the Accademia della Crusca for issues related to Italian linguistic policy in Europe, also as representative of the Academy in the European Federation of National Institutions for Languages (EFNIL) and member of the REI Expert Group (Excellence of Institutional Italian) established at the Directorate General of Translation (DGT) of the European Commission, in which she coordinates the gender parity work group; for the Observatory on Italianisms in the World (IOM); for the administrative language as president of the Association for the Quality of Administrative Acts (AquAA) established at the Institute of Theory and Techniques of Legal Information of Florence (ITTIG-CNR); for the language of gender. She coordinated the scientific project Gender & Language, promoted by the Academy itself and by the City of Florence and wrote the Guidelines for the use of gender in administrative language. She participates in national and international research projects and networks and scientific conferences, in particular in Great Britain (Univ. Cambridge, London, Oxford), Poland (University of Warsaw), USA (New York, Princeton) and is part of the scientific committee of magazines. She is a consultant to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Chamber of Deputies and MIUR for gender language.

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