Caterina Petrillo

Caterina Petrillo

President of AREA Science Park and Full Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Perugia.

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Caterina Petrillo is Full Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Perugia where she directed the Department of Physics for 5 years (2009-2014) and the Department of Physics and Geology for 3 years (2014-2017).

Physical training, he began his scientific career working on condensed matter using neutron and X-ray scattering techniques available at large European research infrastructures, where he also contributed to the design and construction of advanced instruments and components for neutron scattering.

She has been a member of steering and scientific evaluation committees (ESRF-SAC, ESFRI-PSE, ESFRI-NLG, H2020-RI Advisory Group, Helmholtz Association, Research Foundation Flanders FWO, EOSC-WG Training & Skills) as well as on the governing bodies of international research centers (Institut Laue-Langevin, European Spallation Source ESS, Extreme Light Infrastructure ELI-DC), both as a scientific expert and as the designated Italian representative of the MIUR. She was the Italian delegate to the Research Infrastructure Program Committee during the Seventh Framework Program of the Union, appointed by the MIUR.

From 2015 to 2017 she served as Vice President, elected, of the Council of the European Spallation Source ESS-ERIC. Caterina Petrillo is a member of the Italian delegation in the group of senior officials of the G8-5 for the development of cooperation in global scale research infrastructures. She was part of the Board of Directors of INFN as a representative of MIUR and was a member of the Board of Directors of the University of Perugia. She is a member of the Italian delegation to the ESFRI Forum and Italian delegate to the General Assembly of the European Research Infrastructure ELI-ERIC.

She has gained extensive experience in long-term sustainability strategies for international research infrastructures. Her nomination as a foreign member of the prestigious Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (Kungliga Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien / IVA), chaired by His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf, was accepted in 2019.

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