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Poster per l'evento intitolato "La Governance al Femminile"

Women in Leadership

11 March 2016
Poster per l'evento intitolato "La Governance al Femminile"

Female governance in publicly traded companies, subsidiaries, and the third sector.

This is the theme that will be addressed during the second talk event of 2016, promoted by the Women and Technology Association and included     within the initiative "Europe is for women"    , promoted by the European Parliament, Directorate-General for Communication and Information, Milan Office.


  • Bruno Marasà: Director of the European Parliament Communication Office in Milan
  • Susanna Stefani : Vice President of Governance Consulting, member of the Board of Directors of the SEA Group
  • Federica Nolli: President of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Fiera Milano S.p.A. and partner at FP & Partners.
  • Carmela Francesca: Member of the Board of Directors of ATM S.p.A.
  • Carlotta Sami : Spokesperson for UNHCR and former Director of Amnesty International Italy

Coordinate the work: Maria Cristina Bombelli , President of Wise Growth.

The appointment is:

Friday, March 11, 2016
Information Office in Milan of the European Parliament
Corso Magenta 59, Milan


  • 9.30 - Welcome and registration
  • 10.00 - Beginning of work
  • 11.15 - Testimonials and debate
  • 12.30 - Conclusion of the work and final refreshments
  • 13.00 - Event closure

During the talk event, tables will be created using the technique of Concept Sketching, films and slides will be projected. All documentation will be shared with the participants.

Participation in the event involves a voluntary contribution to support the 2016 activities of the Association Women and Technologies, starting from € 15.00.
Limited number of seats : please confirm your participation by clicking on the button below by Tuesday 8.3.2016 .

Participation in the event requires online registration.


Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

Introduction and moderation
Guests/Speakers: Maria Cristina Bombelli

Governance in listed companies

Governance in the public sector: publicly owned companies
Guests/Speakers: Carmela Francesca

Donne azioniste europee richiedono parità di genere
Guests/Speakers: Antonia Verna

A world in crisis
Guests/Speakers: Carlotta Sami

One day in council
Guests/Speakers: Susanna Stefani
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