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International Award "Tecnovisionarie®" 2024

29 May 2024

May 29, 2024 - 5:30 PM
Belvedere Jannacci, Palazzo Pirelli, Milan

Event exclusively by invitation only

Promoted by Women&Tech – Women and Technology Association, the International Technovisionary® Award is given to women who, in their professional activities, have demonstrated vision, focusing on social impact, transparency in behavior, and ethics. The award ceremony, conducted by a Jury composed of qualified representatives from the thematic areas of the different competition categories, the world of culture, and communication, will take place on May 29, 2024.

The International Tecnovisionarie® Award, in its XVIII edition, is committed to shedding light on the vital importance of water, a fundamental and irreplaceable resource. Promoted by Women&Tech® ETS, the 2024 edition with the theme "Ecological transition: the protagonists of a new Water culture", aims to highlight the crucial role of women in the innovation and sustainable management of water resources.

This edition aims to be a crossroads for the sharing of ideas, solutions, and innovative practices, with the goal of inspiring effective actions for the safeguarding of this precious asset. Water is the basis of life on this planet. Its careful and sustainable management is essential not only for human well-being but also for maintaining the balance of ecosystems. The global challenge of water stress, exacerbated by climate change and increasing demand, requires innovative solutions for the use, conservation, and recycling of water.

In this context, the award recognizes the importance of women's often underestimated contribution in driving innovations and promoting responsible practices in water management. The 2024 edition explores the new frontiers of innovation in the field of water resource management. Emphasis is placed on emerging technologies in areas such as advanced purification, sustainable desalination, and intelligent water monitoring and conservation systems. The award aims to highlight how these technologies are not only tools for protecting the environment, but also drivers for economic and social development, opening up new opportunities in various sectors. All this without neglecting the need to create a new water culture.

Education plays a fundamental role in shaping responsible attitudes and behaviors towards water resources. The award promotes initiatives aimed at raising awareness in society about water conservation, encouraging the active involvement of communities, schools, and organizations. The goal is to stimulate a change in how water is perceived and managed, emphasizing the importance of conservation for a sustainable future. Art (painting, photography, music, cinema...) and sports can also play a significant role in this cultural change because they have the power to communicate in an emotional and engaging way, overcoming language barriers and creating deep connections with the public. The award celebrates women who have made significant contributions to the sustainable management of water.

Candidates will be evaluated based on the innovation of their ideas, the social and environmental impact of their actions, and their ability to inspire positive change. The jury, composed of experts from various sectors, will assess the contributions in terms of originality, effectiveness, and long-term sustainability. The 2024 edition of the International Technovisionary® Award is a step forward in the mission to promote global commitment to the sustainable management of water. Through recognizing the fundamental role of women in this field, the award aims to inspire further actions and innovations, contributing to the creation of a more just and sustainable future.

Revelations of talent, ingenuity, genius, intelligence, creativity,
prowess, imagination, intuition, inspiration, inventiveness, positivity.

It is women who invent the future.

The speakers

Raziyeh Akbari
Assegnista di ricerca, Dipartimento di Scienze dei Materiali, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
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Manuela Antonelli
Professoressa Associata, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale (DICA), Politecnico di Milano
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Rita Auriemma
Professore Associato, docente di Archeologia Subacquea presso il Dipartimento di Beni Culturali dell’Università del Salento
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Christine Ballarin
Responsabile Ufficio Pianificazione e Valorizzazione delle Risorse Idriche, Direzione Verde e Ambiente del Comune di Milano
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Mariasole Bianco
Scienziata marina e Presidente di Worldrise
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Novella Calligaris
Presidente dell'Associazione Azzurri olimpici d'Italia
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Lucia Cattani
Responsabile Ricerca e Sviluppo presso la SEAS-SA e docente presso l'Università degli Studi di Pavia
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Despina Fragouli
Researcher at the Smart Materials laboratory of the Italian Institute of Technology
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Donatella Giacosa
Responsabile del Laboratorio Biologico SMAT
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Giulia Giuffrè
CSO and member of the Board of Directors of Irritec S.p.A.
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Barbara Marinali
President ACEA SpA
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Paola Profeta
Vice-Rector for Diversity, Inclusion, and Sustainability and Full Professor of Public Finance at Bocconi University.
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