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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Innovazione Biotech: potenzialità e timori etici"

Biotech Innovation: potential and ethical concerns

27 September 2023
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Innovazione Biotech: potenzialità e timori etici"

This meeting explores the future of biotechnology, focusing on its potential, but also on the related ethical aspects and trying to better understand the fears and resistance that biotech innovation generates, particularly in Europe and Italy.

Biotechnologies offer a wide range of opportunities, such as personalized medicine, sustainable agriculture, the production of innovative drugs, and the solution to environmental pollution.

The research and use of technological innovations always occurs within an ethical framework, with the observance of good research, manufacturing, and distribution practices, supported by the informed consent of patients and respecting their privacy.

Biotech innovation requires, and deserves, a relationship of trust between scientists, ethicists, legislators, and the public, which needs to be built (or otherwise consolidated) in order to ensure a future of ethically sustainable biotechnologies for the well-being of humanity.

The speakers

Luca Carra
Journalist and director of Scienzainrete
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Gianna Martinengo
Founder & CEO of Didael KTS - President of Women & Tech® ETS - Board ITTD Municipality of Milan
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Maria Pia Abbracchio
Full Professor of Pharmacology and Vice Rector University of Milan
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Paola Sangiovanni
Partner Law Firm Gitti And Partners
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Elena Sgaravatti
President of Plantarei, Vice President of Assobiotec, CS of Women&Tech® ETS
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