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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Governance: il fattore umano nella gestione della complessità"

Governance: the human factor in managing complexity

13 September 2021
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Governance: il fattore umano nella gestione della complessità"


Two experiences and perspectives on managing complexity, in the second of the "Conversations of Women&Tech".
Featuring Marta Bertolaso and Patrizia Ghiazza

September 13, 2021, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

The reality is simple: things happen and facts are scientifically verifiable.

Yet we live in an era where complexity seems to be at home with its uncertainties and multiplicity.

We will talk about how these two aspects of our inhabiting the world are not incompatible and how what is 'specifically human' in each job generates value through the ability to manage tensions and paradoxes.

That this ability is more typically female is already being demonstrated by history, but it is on the beautiful responsibility that arises from it that we will also need to reflect.

Let's compare is the second meeting of "Women & Tech Conversations", the new digital format of the Association.

The speakers

Marta Bertolaso
Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome
Visit the speaker's page
Patrizia Ghiazza
Director Governance Consulting, President Foundation Human+
Visit the speaker's page
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