Marta Bertolaso

Marta Bertolaso

Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome

Participate in:

Gender equality in companies: let's accelerate!
Governance: the human factor in managing complexity

After a degree in Biological Sciences and a few years in the laboratory, Marta developed her academic career in the philosophy of life sciences.

Her experience in the field of cancer philosophy, scientific practice, and the philosophy of complex organized systems, as well as new technologies applied to them, has allowed her to collaborate with various journals and publish monographs and articles, sometimes even in collaboration with scientists and other authors of clear international renown.

He has worked in prestigious research centers for the philosophy of science in various cities and countries, including Pittsburgh (PA, USA), Exeter (United Kingdom), Paris (France), and Milan at the European Institute of Oncology (IEO). He has held seminars and conferences at various Italian and foreign universities.

Marta also promotes and coordinates an international and interdisciplinary research network, participates in national and international research and training projects funded, and since 2006 is part of the board of the Home Renaissance Foundation (London), as well as a member of the Scientific Committee for the "Health and primary care" area of the same:

Since 2014 she has been the promoter and coordinator of Bio-Techno-Practice (BTP): Since September 2017, she is the Editor in Chief of the Springer Series "Human perspectives in Health Sciences & Technology". Since February 2018, she is responsible for the "Human and Technology" section of the Saluteuropa website - She is the promoter of Venture Thinking (, an initiative that aims to reflect on and give visibility to new dynamics of human enterprise for the innovation of human factors.

Among his recent publications: Human Work and Human Flourishing in the Age of A.I. (forthcoming); A Critical Reflection on Automated Science – Will Science Remain Human? (forthcoming); What and How Do Cancer Systems Biologists Explain? (with A. Plutynski, 2018); Truth and Trust in the Era of Transhumanism (with L. Valera, 2018); The Future of Scientific Practice: ‘Bio-Techno Logos’ (2015).

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