The story of Women&Tech® ETS

With a pioneering approach in 1999, the reflection on the woman/technology combination has developed, seeking technological solutions that could improve the quality of life of women and formulas for remote work.


The first steps

From the idea to its realization

Numerous initiatives (conferences, seminars, projects) have been carried out on the theme of women and technologies with the aim of promoting projects aimed at achieving equal opportunities in the world of work and in social life, overcoming the gender gap, enhancing the female contribution to innovation, overcoming diversity in all fields of economic and social life, and integrating into the workforce workers considered disadvantaged under the law.

  • 1999

    The first steps of the activities that led to the current Association were taken at the conference "Pari sarà lei", organized by Regione Lombardia, when Gianna Martinengo was called upon as an Entrepreneur and President of the Innovative Tertiary Sector of Assolombarda, as an entrepreneur active since 1983 in the private technology sector.

  • 2000

    Important presences with testimonies begin at:

    • Report on the Forum for Equal Opportunities convened by the Ministry of Equal Opportunities in front of an audience of two thousand women;
    • Entrepreneurial representation on new technologies as a business opportunity, organized by the European Commission, Ministry of Labor, and Chamber of Commerce of Milan;
    • Report entitled Women & Technologies (predecessor of the association's identification) to the European Commission and Council of Europe for Italy in Lund, Norway, on the occasion of an important international conference.
  • 2002

    Activities on the theme of women, business, and technology continue thanks to the appointment of Gianna Martinengo as a member of the Chamber of Commerce Council (2002/2007) representing Assolombarda, president of the Women's Entrepreneurship Committee in Milan, and coordinator of all CIF Lombardy Region (until 2013).

  • 2008

    In 2008 a series of significant events began, starting with the international conference Women&Technologies, which enjoyed the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, prestigious endorsements, and institutional messages of support.

    It involved with their contribution of ideas and studies, over 40 Italian and foreign universities, international research centers, laboratories and scientific departments, scholars, academics. Other events involving important institutions followed (Province of Milan, Milan Office of the European Parliament, Genoa Robotics School, Turin International Book Fair).

    In the same year, the first edition of the Le Tecnovisionarie® award was presented, an original format that rewards female excellence in various sectors of the working world and continues to receive unanimous acclaim in institutional, academic, scientific, and entrepreneurial fields, as well as significant media coverage.

Birth of the association

The Association is born.

In 2009, with the support of the Lombardy Region, which had established the register of women's associations, the continuity of the project started in 1999 was guaranteed by founding the current Association, with its organizational structure.

Activities intensify allowing for a strengthening of presence and consideration among increasingly wider audiences, thanks to interventions organized by the Association on very intense Talk Events calendars, participation in events organized by other entities, collaborations with international and national organizations in line with the stated purposes, and, above all, ongoing projects over time that characterize the Association.

The successes of women&tech

Our impact in the technology sector

From the birth of the Association to today, Women&Tech has gone from three women members to around one hundred today and from an association of individuals, it has become a network to which large companies, SMEs, and Foundations adhere.

The attitude towards innovation distinguishes the association, a characteristic always operationally linked to the method in project activation and research, in addition to the relational dimensions with the constant activity of networking, facilitation, associative marketing, promotion, and communication.

The dissemination of ideas and content has followed the evolution of communication means, from traditional ones to a strong presence on social media, to the creation of space for cultural events in the metaverse.

100 or more
Women actively involved
Our community
Large companies, SMEs, and associated Foundations
Our network
200 or more
Articles, conferences, and webinars
Our events
Join us
The association promotes an open disposition towards human exchange, contamination, and the development of content, of which the presence of academic associates guarantees scientific rigor.

Not only do companies and associated individuals contribute significantly both in terms of support and by actively participating in events, but they can also experience innovative and often forward-looking paths to integrate into their own programs. This creates a virtuous circle of growth and dissemination that is deeply experienced and shared.

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