Simona Sapio

Simona Sapio

Head of Talent Acquisition & Candidate Experience, Terna SpA

Participate in:

Ready4Future Energy

Born in Taranto in 1972, she graduated in Political Science from the University of Perugia and obtained a Master's degree in Business Management managed by Assoprom Confindustria. Her professional career began at Enel in the Resource Development area, dealing with compensation systems, salary analysis, job evaluation, and reengineering of organizational processes.

In 2002 she joined Ferrovie dello Stato where she worked in Personnel Development and Executive Management. Since 2010 she has been working at Terna where she has held various roles of responsibility in the field of Personnel Management. Since 2019 she has been the Head of Talent Acquisition & Candidate Experience, with the task of overseeing the recruitment and selection processes for non-executive staff as well as designing/implementing activities aimed at strengthening Terna's image in the labor market.

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