Simona Petrozzi

Simona Petrozzi

CEO & Founder SIRO Consulting - Web reputation specialist


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T-Being: Web reputation, create your success

Graduated in Foreign Languages and Literatures (English and Russian) with a focus on "Communication - Information", after studies aimed at a thorough knowledge of 5 languages, which have allowed her to manage relationships and interactions with foreign countries, including in institutional and political contexts, she specialized in business consulting, management consulting, and corporate communication, founding SIRO Consulting in 2006.

Always looking with deep interest at the digital world, as a fundamental and essential prerequisite for the innovation and internationalization of SMEs, she has dedicated herself to the field of web intelligence (national and international open sources Osint) as a primary tool for the referencing and analysis of companies. From here, the step towards "Personal and Corporate Web Reputation", so that information on private individuals and companies is accurate and monitored.

Already Vice President of the National Young Entrepreneurs Confcommercio from 2008 to 2018, he is currently Vice President of Terziario Donna Confcommercio Nazionale, President of Terziario Donna Confcommercio Roma, and sits on the Women's Entrepreneurship Committee (CIF) of the Chamber of Commerce of Rome.

He has experience in issues related to the digital world, youth entrepreneurship, women's entrepreneurship, internationalization, and business innovation.

He studied abroad for a few years and speaks and writes fluently in addition to Italian, English, French, Spanish, Russian, and other minor languages.

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