Sara Filipponi

Sara Filipponi

Siemens - R&D GridEdge Lead


Participate in:

Women Empowerment Program 2024
Women Empowerment Program 2023

I have a degree in Computer Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Milan, with a Master's in Information Technology from the Cefriel Research Center in Milan.

I started my career at Digital Equipment in 1997 working on technological projects as an analyst. I switched to a startup in 2000 and then went through various experiences in the consulting world as a business consultant and subject matter expert in large companies such as Compaq, ATKearney, EDS Consulting, and HP. Since 2015, I have been working at Siemens Spa, where I started working on innovative projects in the field of electric mobility and energy management. Since 2020, I have been leading the international R&D group, which has its center of expertise in Milan.

I am an expert in the Agile world and apply its principles both in the professional and personal spheres. Throughout my over twenty-year career, I have always enthusiastically dedicated myself to the professional challenges that have been offered to me, managing research groups and people with passion and dedication. I have always paid particular attention to work-life balance and diversity, social responsibility, education, and time management. My two children, aged 16 and 18, have helped me maintain the right balance between work and private life over the years and to always be creative in finding innovative solutions outside the box.

My personal motto is:

"It is better to regret having made a mistake than to regret not having tried."
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