Marta Pettolino

Marta Pettolino

Director of The Social Post and Professor at the University of Turin


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Face to face with the Tecnovisionarie®: Tiziana Catarci

My journey with words starts from a very young age, from when I was a child, when I preferred to listen and carefully select the words to use. This "being inside" and at the same time this attention towards others and the desire to understand emotions, has led me today to define myself not so much with the verb "to be", which would characterize today too strongly, but which would have little to say about tomorrow. It has led me to talk about myself with another verb, the verb "to love". Here I am, therefore: one of the things I love the most is the exchange with others and the enrichment that comes from it when expectations and judgments are abandoned.

I love studying and traveling, I love writing and using those words in different ways, always the guiding stars of my journey. I love observing, I love diversifying, and I love feeling that I still have so much to learn. Today, this is the most true thing I can say about myself. For lovers of traditional descriptions, I also tell you that I am a journalist, I run The Social Post, one of the most followed newspapers in Italy, I teach "Public Communication" at the University of Turin, and I have studied important subjects in psychology and coaching. In life, I have had various jobs, starting in visual communication, from filming and video editing, to film and television production sets.

Moving on from human resources, advertising, corporate consulting, and personal consultations for professionals who wanted to achieve important goals and milestones. I have been entrusted with new projects and perspectives by national and international companies. It has been sometimes challenging, sometimes fun, and at other times very difficult. But it has been beautiful.

Today I want to make available everything I have learned and the pages I manage for one of the things I believe in most: equal opportunities and gender freedom. Because in my opinion, true equality does not come from pink quotas, but from real opportunities for access to education and work, without stereotypes and without prejudices.

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