Mario Mezzanzanica

Mario Mezzanzanica

Full Professor, Department Director of Statistics and Quantitative Methods, University of Milan-Bicocca

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Innovation Tram 2024

Professor Mario Mezzanzanica is a Full Professor at the Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods at the University of Milan-Bicocca, where he serves as Vice-Rector for advanced training and job placement activities. Currently, he is also the Department Director.

Specialized in Information Processing Systems (scientific-disciplinary sector ING-INF/05), Prof. Mezzanzanica focuses his research on topics such as artificial intelligence, data analysis, and information systems. He is the Director of the Interuniversity Research Center for Public Utility Services (CRISP), a center involving six Italian universities and over 40 researchers and professors.

Throughout his career, he has led numerous national and European research projects. Among these, the AGE-IT project in 2022, focused on innovative solutions for an inclusive Italian society for aging, funded by the Ministry of University and Research. In 2020, he coordinated InPreSa, a project aimed at early detection and containment of SARS-CoV-2, funded by the Lombardy Region.

Professor Mezzanzanica has received several academic awards, including the Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications in 2014 and at the SouthCHI Conference in 2013. In 2008, he was honored with the IBM Faculty Award.

Her recent publications include articles in international journals such as the International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, Decision Support Systems, and Cognitive Computation. Her work addresses topics such as semantic embedding alignment, contrastive explanations in models through symbolic reasoning, and intrinsic evaluation of word embeddings.

In addition to his research activities, Professor Mezzanzanica is involved in teaching and has held consulting positions for important European organizations such as Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training). His academic and professional contributions make him a prominent figure in the Italian landscape of artificial intelligence and information systems.

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