Maria Costanzo

Maria Costanzo

Technology Solution Engineers Director - Oracle Italy

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Maria Costanzo, born in Messina in 1963, has been living in Rome for some time, where she completed her studies at La Sapienza University in Physics and developed her entire professional career in Information Technology. After spending her early years as a developer on CAD/CAM systems, she specialized in Data & Information Management technologies and systems, focusing on Data Management and Analytics, as well as Customer Experience (CX) and particularly CRM (Customer Relationship Management), holding increasingly relevant roles in multinational organizations. Today she holds the position of Technology Solution Engineers Director for Oracle Italia (Director of the technical pre-sales team of Oracle Italia's Technology division).

Creative, innovative, with an inclusive approach in listening and welcoming stimuli and suggestions and a fervent ability to combine sustainability themes and ethical values with technology: it is thanks to this approach that Maria has given life, with the team of Solution Architects she manages, to a project of a "Smart City in miniature", automated and eco-sustainable - known as ProximaCity - realized through a perfectly functioning Lego model, totally interconnected with IoT devices and Cloud services on the Oracle platform. ProximaCity represents a concrete example of how a city can sustain itself in an autonomous and entirely sustainable way, even from an energy and environmental point of view, improving mobility management through computer vision systems and Artificial Intelligence capable of optimizing traffic flows, traffic light signage, parking systems; streamlining the management of waste collection routes and goods transport, thus reducing exhaust gas emissions - and consequently pollution.

ProximaCity also involves a virtuous management of renewable energy production mechanisms, integrated into a city grid based on the real needs of the city, predicted with Artificial Intelligence systems. This results in a healthier, safer, more sustainable city, without waste, serving the people and respecting the environment, where citizens are an integral part of the system by actively participating through collaboration systems and reporting apps to contribute to the sustainability of the model. The creation of Maria and her team has been a great success worldwide in Oracle: replicas of ProximaCity have multiplied - under their guidance - in almost all the major countries where Oracle is present - with demonstrations at events, conferences, and fairs -; the success was crowned by the request of our CEO, Safra Catz, to Maria and her team, to set up a permanent ProximaCity at Oracle HQ in Redwood (California, USA). A great Corporate recognition for our colleague, now well-known worldwide.

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