Maria Capobianchi

Maria Capobianchi

National Institute for Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani, Rome

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Rome Maria R. Capobianchi was born in Procida (Na) on 30/07/1953; she completed her higher studies in Naples, where she graduated in Biological Sciences (1976). She obtained a specialization in Microbiology and Virology in Rome (1988). From 1977 to 1999 she was a university researcher at the University "La Sapienza di Roma"; since 2000 she has been the Director of the Virology Laboratory at the National Institute for Infectious Diseases "L. Spallanzani", and since 2015 she is also the Director of the Department of Epidemiology, Preclinical Research and Advanced Diagnostics at the Institute.

Dr. Capobianchi has over thirty years of experience in Virology, with a focus on innate and adaptive antiviral defense mechanisms, pathogenesis, molecular characterization, emerging infections, and the design and validation of innovative virological diagnostic methods.

He is a member of the "WHO collaborating center for clinical care, diagnosis, response and training on Highly Infectious Diseases", established at the INMI in 2009, and participates in numerous international networks on the response to epidemics caused by emerging and/or unexpected agents. He provides consultancy and support to regional, national and international health authorities (WHO, ECDC, Italian Ministry of Health), related to emerging infections, potentially pandemic infections, infections caused by intentional release (bioterrorism), infections in immunocompromised hosts (transplants) and for supporting capacity building in countries with limited resources for diagnostic response to unexpected infectious events. He is an active member of numerous scientific societies, and has directed or been involved in numerous research projects funded by regional, national, European and American public entities.

As of September 21, 2020, she is the author of 435 publications listed on PubMed and numerous articles or reviews published at the national and international levels. Google Scholar Profile ( ). H index: 57; Total citations: 12361 She is included by Via-Academy in the list of "Top Italian Scientists" ( ).

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