
My name is Lorella Alda Bigatti, I was born in Milan in 1962 and I live in Rho, together with my husband Giorgio and my son Daniele, who is now seventeen. For many years, I have divided my activity between the public and private sector. After serving two terms as councilor in the city where I reside, I focused on municipal companies and currently I am the Sole Director of Nuovenergie Teleriscaldamento srl, a fully public inter-municipal company that designs and manages urban district heating networks. In the private sector, I work in the field of energy planning at a Milanese company.

In my free time, I cultivate my youthful passion for literature and poetry and, as soon as I can but not as much as I would like, I follow the activities carried out by the Ambrosian Archaeological Group, of which I am a member.

I have always believed in political and civil engagement, in serving the community, in the need to promote appropriate feminist policies, and in taking pragmatic action to counter the national tendency to complain. I am proudly a member of the Women and Technologies Association.

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