Gianluca Galletto

Gianluca Galletto

Economist and international manager in the public and private sector

Participate in:

Energy and industrial policies

Economist and international manager in both public and private sectors, he is an expert in innovation and technology, urban economic development, and sustainability, and has a deep understanding of politics and the economy of the United States.

For thirty years in New York, where he moved to study at Yale after graduating from Bocconi University in Milan, he worked for a long time in the financial sector before serving alongside Mayor Bill de Blasio in the administration of the City of New York and holding various positions, including leading foreign trade.

He is the founder and president of DG Advisors and principal of Global Futures Group, a company that assists public and private clients in creating intelligent and sustainable urban communities based on innovative ecosystems with dynamics of public-private partnerships, and until recently was the general director for technological partnerships at the office of the president of the New York City Housing Authority, the largest residential housing owner in the city with 600,000 tenants.

He is currently the Senior Advisor for North America to the CEO of IBIS Power, a company that has created the revolutionary energy solution Powernest; he also provides consultancy to companies and startups wishing to enter the US market and collaborates with local and national governments and private entities such as Lendlease (Milan Innovation District), Amundi, The European House-Ambrosetti, the Mayor's Office of New York City, the World Bank, the Partnership for NYC and with the administrations of Amsterdam, Vienna and Barcelona.

Passionate about innovation, sustainability, startups, and venture capital, he is called to participate as a speaker at important international conferences, and collaborates with media outlets such as Crain's, RaiNews 24, Speciale TG1, CNBC (USA), and La Repubblica.

He is the author of Viva New York (Paesi Edizioni, 2023), an essay with a preface by former Mayor of the Big Apple Bill De Blasio that tells the new reality of New York City, the capital of the West and the ultimate melting pot city; a progressive city, with more women in top decision-making positions, innovative regulations, and an attractive investment hub that has in many cases surpassed Silicon Valley as the center of global innovation.

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