Francesca Schettino

Francesca Schettino

Graduated Student in Biomedical Engineering

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Francesca Schettino, born on June 30, 2000, attends the Anco Marzio Classical High School in Ostia, graduating in 2018. Despite choosing to pursue a technical university path, she is also actively engaged in extracurricular and academic activities, cultivating her interest in humanities and arts subjects of which she is passionate. Over the course of five years, she delves into topics such as ethics applied to technology, leading her to write an article for a indexed magazine, theatrical art, which she practiced through the university theater workshop, of which she also served as assistant director thanks to a part-time collaboration scholarship.

In February 2024, she obtained a Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering with honors from the Campus Bio-Medico University, with a thesis entitled "Development of a Wearable Device for Pediatric Sensory-Based Neurorehabilitation Through Time-Discrete Vibrotactile Stimulation", carried out at the Institute of BioRobotics of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies.

Having a strong concern for the social impact that can be achieved through the academic path undertaken, she actively works in volunteering and collaborates in scientific outreach. She believes that collaboration and inclusion are the right path to improve the world together and is driven by a strong curiosity for everything around her.

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