Eugenia Presot

Eugenia Presot

Active member of the Pietro Presot tannery in Porcia

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Born in Pordenone where she lives with her husband and three children, Eugenia has an agronomic background and has held various important public positions in this sector.

In 2014, he inherited his father's share of the family tannery located between the municipalities of Porcia and Pordenone and active since 1933.

Eugenia represents the fourth generation of the family to run the company. Also working with her are Achille, her father's brother, and Federico, Achille's son.

Cultivates various passions, loves music, nature, and is able to combine the recovery of traditions with a forward-looking and modern approach in different fields.

He has an innate gift for building relationships and collaborations, always seeking new possibilities for development.

Believes (and hopes) in a greener and more sustainable world and in this direction, with passion and expertise, directs the growth of the company.

Eugenia Presot, active member of Conceria Pietro Presot in Porcia.

Conceria Presot is a small production reality, with a more artisanal than industrial character.

Therefore, Eugenia's role ranges from the responsibility of managing commercial relationships with customers and suppliers, to relationships with staff, to the design of communication strategies, up to the consolidation of the company's green soul through the selection of projects mainly aimed at water and energy saving with a strong focus on reducing the impacts of production activities on the urban context in which the company operates.

Under his leadership, there has been a revitalization of investments in sustainability projects at the environmental, social, and safety levels. A state-of-the-art photovoltaic system was installed (2020) along with an additional system to support the company's water treatment plant for clean water recovery (2018).

The system of water gates has been renewed and enhanced (2019) and a recreational project for a company garden was launched (2015) which employees can access along with their families, even during production shutdowns. The goal was to move towards a sustainable work environment that offers new opportunities for socializing and well-being.

In 2017, the Tannery was awarded the Legality Rating, while the following year it joined the Italian Responsible Payments Code (CPR) and was registered in the Register of virtuous companies for responsible payments. In addition, the first year of implementation of an organizational model framed in a Health and Safety Management System aimed at reducing the risks to which workers may be exposed has just ended.

The main use of Presot leather has always been for the soles of formal, luxury men's footwear and is still used in the production of mountain boots (as it was in the tradition since the conquest of K2 in the distant 1954, when the Italian Expedition led by Ardito Desio reached the summit wearing boots made with Presot leather by the Garbuio footwear factory in Montebelluna).

The leading Italian and international fashion brands choose Presot leather for its technical characteristics, but also for its naturalness.

With Eugenia's entry into the tannery, new destinations have been explored. This led to a collaboration with designer Carlo Bartoli (Golden Compass for Career in 2016) that resulted in the production of the 1085 chair, marketed by Kristalia. Or the collaboration with designer Francesca Chiarot who, under the brand Radiose, creates origami bags. Also, the partnership with local artists like Guerrino Dirindin and Valter Trevisiol, who have given personal interpretations to the Presot leather, translated into variously reviewed and appreciated sculptural works.

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