Chiara Ferrari

Chiara Ferrari

Consulente delle Risorse Umane

Participate in:

ELLE Active 2020

Graduated in Journalism and New Media from the University of Parma and specialized in Human Resources Management and Development at the University of Milano Bicocca. Since the beginning of her professional career, she has sought to combine her passion for communication and human relationships with the dynamics of the world of work.

It begins with a journalism internship at Class Editori and then leads into the world of Human Resources, mainly focusing on Executive Search, Training, Labor Market Analysis, and national and international Organization.

It delves further into organizational professional dynamics by completing an Executive Master's in Labor Law and Industrial Relations.

Passionate about digital publishing, graphic design, and digital art, she closely follows the technological evolution of the world of human resources in every aspect, mainly operating in the Digital-ICT, TLC, and Industrial sectors.

Always professionally committed to facilitating the meeting between Companies and Candidates, it transversely promotes support, guidance, and information to those who are about to enter the world of job opportunities (Universities) and to those who, in the middle of their path, find themselves having to face a company change.

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