Cecilia Sironi

Cecilia Sironi

President of CNAI


President of CNAI, recently reelected, Cecilia Sironi is a well-known and active figure internationally: through research, training, organizational, and associative activities, she embodies an innovative and ambitious professional ideal.

Nurse since 1980, Educational Director at schools for professional nurses from 1985 to 1996, then Educational Coordinator of the Nursing Degree Course at the AO “Circolo e F. Macchi Hospital in Varese and University of Insubria. She has taught nursing disciplines from the academic year 1986/87 to date at various Italian universities.

She represented Italy in the WENR (Workgroup of European Nurse Researchers) from 2001 to 2011. In May 2011, she was elected national President of the National Consortium of Nurses Associations and re-elected on June 1, 2015.


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