Caterina Flick

Caterina Flick

Capo del legale presso AgID - Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale

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T-Being: Web reputation, create your success

Caterina Flick was born in 1967 in Rome, where she lives with her husband, two sons, and daughter. Graduated with top honors in Law, since 1996 she has been practicing as a lawyer, specializing in criminal law, IT law, and privacy as a consultant and in courtrooms.

Since 2004, he has had teaching contracts for Digital Law at the University of Pisa and then at the international telematic university Uninettuno. In September 2021, he left the profession and took on the role of head of the legal affairs office at the Agency for Digital Italy (AGID).

Awarded among the "Excellent Women of Rome" by the Mayor and the Councilor for Equal Opportunities of Rome Capital in 2013, listed among the 30 best women lawyers in Italy, in the ranking drawn up by "Vanity Fair" - Legalcommunity Observatory in 2016.

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