Barbara Marascio

Barbara Marascio

Female lawyer, Observatory on professional women - Civil lawyer of the Milan Bar

Participate in:

Safety in the city and in the workplace

Degree in Law from the University of Milan, with a thesis in Private Law Institutions. Specializes in out-of-court and judicial assistance and consultancy in the areas of personal law, family law, labor law, and inheritances, and is registered with the Free Legal Aid Register.

Always interested in the themes of female leadership, gender equality, and discrimination and harassment in the workplace, she has attended various training courses organized by the University of Milan, the Milan Bar Association, and the Lombardy Region Equal Opportunities Advisor.

Founder and President until 2020 of the cultural association AccadueRho, present in the city of Rho for 10 years with various cultural events, also in collaboration with the Municipal Administration, other associative realities, and schools in the Milan hinterland. On the topic of gender-based violence, it is worth mentioning the event "The dress does not give consent" organized in collaboration with the association Libere Sinergie and the Anti-Violence Center of Rho, the Classical High School C. Rebora of Rho, and under the auspices of the Gender Equality Councillor of the Lombardy Region.

The project, which started with the direct involvement of the classes in setting up the exhibition "How were you dressed?" was a journey through norms and tools against gender-based violence. It touched on themes of prevention and education, as well as the recognition and denunciation of these phenomena, with the participation of professionals (lawyers, magistrates, psychologists). Adjunct professor in legal subjects for professional training courses.

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