Arianna Ecca

Arianna Ecca

Industrial Biotechnologies, second cycle degree, University of Padua

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My name is Arianna Ecca, I am 23 years old and I am a student in the Master's degree program in Industrial Biotechnologies. I have always been fascinated by science, biology, and the animal world since a young age, and it is precisely to follow this passion that in 2012 I decide to enroll in the scientific high school; during the high school years, I deepen my knowledge in biology and chemistry, and at the end of it, I enroll in the Master's degree program in Industrial Biotechnologies at the University of Cagliari.

In February 2020, I was able to win a scholarship thanks to the Erasmus+ Traineeship program, which would have allowed me to carry out my curricular internship in Spain, but due to the pandemic I found myself initially forced to postpone and then give up on this experience; in December of the same year, I obtained a PhD in Industrial Biotechnologies, with a thesis entitled "Bioremediation and marine environment: monitoring of surface waters in the port of Cagliari".

I have therefore decided to continue my studies, in particular to specialize in the field of environmental biotechnology by enrolling in the Master's degree course in Industrial Biotechnologies.

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