Andrea Barbieri

Andrea Barbieri

Business Developer, Banca Generali

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Tram of Innovation 2020

Business Developer, Banca Generali

Andrea Barbieri, born in 1991, in Rome, where he graduated with honors in marketing and corporate communication from La Sapienza University.

Thanks also to the entrepreneurial spirit passed down from her father, she begins her career as a junior trade marketing at L’Aquila. Within the Domus Company Aquila, she is responsible for planning and controlling the distribution of company products through all distribution channels and developing operational marketing activities in the reference territory.

Dedication and tenacity led him to found Habitus Edilizia e Design in Rome in 2015, the natural evolution of the family business, more digital and connected to the world.

In the meantime, to deepen his knowledge of marketing and all digital processes, Andrea completes the master's degree in Digital and Traditional Marketing in Milan at the Accademia di Comunicazione. After obtaining the diploma as an Expert in Marketing and Corporate Communication, he begins his career at Banca Generali.

First, he/she achieves the position of Marketing Specialist and, subsequently, Business Developer in the Wealth Management division with the aim of actively participating in the development of the "Non-financial services" office.

Andrea is a proponent of simplicity, curious, pragmatic, and focused on achieving goals.

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