Milano, 20 settembre 2023
Gli ambienti virtuali sono destinati a diventare sempre più parte della nostra quotidianità, con il 25% delle persone che entro il 2026 vi spenderà almeno un’ora al giorno secondo Gartner. In occasione della Milano Digital Week 2023 Il Tram dell’Innovazione, organizzato da Women&Tech ® ETS - Associazione Donne e Tecnologie in collaborazione con ABB, Banca Generali, Carrefour Italia, Cisco, Fastweb, Intel, Kelly Italia, Nexi, SAP, Siemens, TeamSystem, e con il supporto tecnico di DKTS, evolve e prende vita nel Metaverso sulla piattaforma leader a livello mondiale The Nemesis.
"Mobile Place" where citizens can, for free, listen to the experiences and testimonies of the protagonists of the digital transformation, the project, conceived by the president of the Association, Gianna Martinengo, has reached its sixth edition. Since 2018, it has physically and virtually involved over 15,500 people, offering both insights into future scenarios made possible by technology, as well as concrete proposals and solutions that have shown how it can help people's daily lives.
From October 5th to 9th, in line with the theme of Milano Digital Week, "Developing limits for a digital transition and inclusive, sustainable, and ethical technological innovation," the Tram becomes a space accessible and usable by anyone, even those who cannot be physically present, offering an engaging and interactive mode for a unique digital experience. The historic vintage tram from ATM and the new Tramlink recreated in the metaverse will move in a virtual space inspired by the central streets of Milan, starting and ending in Piazza della Scala.
Participants will be able to board using personalized avatars and interact in real time with speakers and other users. An immersive experience that will allow you to move within the virtual environment, explore different areas, and actively participate in the proposed activities, also attending speeches by representatives of institutions, companies, schools, universities, and research.
The focus of the interventions will be on emerging digital technologies (AI, Web 3.0, Metaverse, and Robotics, Cybersecurity) and their impact and intersection with biotechnologies, new materials, energy, and the environment. Particular attention will be paid to accessibility, ethics, and sustainability.
The Innovation Tram also aims to actively engage younger generations with gamification activities during the tram rides, an entrance test into the metaverse to assess the level of knowledge of the topics that will be discussed, and a final test that will offer users who answer correctly the chance to win exclusive prizes.
To complete the experience, on the afternoon of October 5th, at Palazzo Giureconsulti, there will also be a physical "speed date" event, organized in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi and its Committee for Female Entrepreneurship, dedicated to Generation Z. Students, young people will have the opportunity to meet and interact with key figures in innovation and change from companies, institutions, universities, and the world of research, including Arianna Censi, Mobility Councilor of the Municipality of Milan, Chiara Benedetta Cormanni, President of the Committee for Female Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi, Layla Pavone, Coordinator of Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation Board of the Municipality of Milan, and Professor Patrizia Steca, President of the University of Milan Bicocca's CUG.
"Since the first edition in 2018, new technologies and their impact on all aspects of our society and daily life have evolved more rapidly than we could have ever imagined. In this context, we believe it is important to maintain a constant dialogue with citizens to ensure that innovation does not leave anyone behind and at the same time to offer, but also seize, new opportunities," stated Gianna Martinengo, founder and president of Women&Tech ETS, who added: "The Innovation Tram offers everyone an experience that combines tradition - the tram - with innovation, represented by the future 'technological' that awaits citizens, as well as businesses, the research and education sector, and institutions."
The experience will be accessible both from iOS and Android smartphones, as well as through a browser by signing up at the following link
Special thanks to Laura Liguori, Partner at Portolano Cavallo, Miriam Cresta, CEO of JA Italia, Stefania Trazzi, Partner at Imageware, for their valuable collaboration, and Sara Noggler, web3 and metaverse advisor, for mentoring in identifying the ideal supplier for the project.
Nasce nel 1999 come progetto di responsabilità sociale di Gianna Martinengo sviluppato all’interno di Didaelkts, l’azienda da lei fondata. Nel 2009 Women&Tech® diventa una associazione condivisa da una rete di aziende e persone che mettono a disposizione le proprie competenze per realizzarne la missione. Gli obiettivi dell'Associazione sono: valorizzare il talento femminile nella ricerca scientifica, nella tecnologia, nell’innovazione; promuovere progetti e azioni finalizzate alla lotta agli stereotipi e alla discriminazione di genere; contribuire all'orientamento dei giovani ai mestieri del futuro anche verso modelli imprenditoriali sostenibili. Nel 2022 Women&Tech acquisisce la qualifica di Ente del Terzo Settore (ETS) ufficializzando così le logiche di valore e di trasparenza che da sempre caratterizzano le iniziative sviluppate per aziende, istituzioni e università, realizzando progetti di sostenibilità, inclusione, valorizzazione del capitale umano, diversity e molto altro. Gianna Martinengo è un’imprenditrice, umanista di formazione e tecnologa per scelta. La sua visione della scienza e delle tecnologie ha da sempre messo al centro la persona ed i suoi bisogni, rendendole accessibili a chiunque e adeguate per favorire uno sviluppo sostenibile.
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