Awarded at Villa Erba (Cernobbio) the Technovisionary Award which celebrates its 10th anniversary. Video message from Emma Bonino

Recognition dedicated to women who have achieved exceptional professional milestones in various fields: from design to research, from entrepreneurship to fashion, from culture to media

The International Technovisionary Award, promoted by Women&Tech - Women and Technology Association, is celebrating its tenth anniversary. And to celebrate this special anniversary, on May 19, 2017, it was awarded during an evening event hosted for the first time in the prestigious halls of Villa Erba in Cernobbio.

Thirteen individual awards were given out this year, along with a special award to INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Workplace Accidents), in the presence of approximately four hundred guests, representing the worlds of economy, culture, scientific research, medicine, and civil society.

An exceptional testimonial of the evening was Emma Bonino, who wanted to express her support for the Women and Technologies Association and appreciation for the Technovisionary Award through a video message, which celebrates female talent in all fields. This was an opportunity to focus on the campaign "Non c’è pace senza giustizia" (, led for years by Emma Bonino against female genital mutilations. An appeal that Women & Tech welcomes with great pride for the universal value it proposes, in line with the social spirit declined in a feminine way that the Association, with the Award itself, interprets and proposes since its inception.

On the stage of Villa Erba, fashion shows have taken place.

  • for the category Scientific Research Maria Pia Abbracchio , full professor of Pharmacology at the Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences of the State University of Milan and president of the Filarete Foundation;
  • for the category Design, Marta Anzani, Corporate Manager of Poliform, member of the board of ADI (Association for Industrial Design) Lombardy and vice president and member of the board of the Youth Group of Confindustria Como;
  • for the category Lifetime Achievement Award Diana Bracco , President and CEO of the Bracco Group and President of the Bracco Foundation;
  • for the category Culture Lella Costa , actress and writer;
  • for the category Third Sector and Circular Economy Monica De Paoli , founding partner of Milano Notai Associati and vice president of the Board of Directors of Fondazione Italia per il Dono;
  • for the category Sustainability and Cultural Ethics Anna Gastel , president of the international Festival MITO Settembre Musica;
  • for the category Innovative development paths Olga Iarussi , CEO Southern Europe of Triumph International;
  • for the category Media Laura La Posta , Chief Editor of Il Sole 24Ore , in charge of the section Rapporti24 and columnist on topics of social economy and sustainable development.
  • for the category Finance and Social Innovation Alessandra Perrazzelli , Country Manager of Barclays;
  • for the category Creativity Marina Salamon , president of Doxa, Save the Duck, and Altana;
  • for the category Europa Prize Patrizia Toia , Member of the European Parliament and Vice-President of the ITRE Committee on Industry, Research and Energy of the European Parliament;
  • for the category Artistic Innovation Beatrice Trussardi , president of the Nicola Trussardi Foundation;
  • for the category Health and Medical Research Giulia Veronesi , head of the Robotic Surgery Unit at the Thoracic Surgery and General Surgery Division of Humanitas Research Hospital;
  • It was finally delivered to the Inail, the first public administration organization chosen for this award, a special recognition for the work done in the field of equal opportunities. The award was received by lawyer Antonella Ninci, coordinator of the Inail Regional Advocacy of Tuscany and president of the Cug, the unique guarantee committee of the Institute for equal opportunities, the enhancement of the well-being of workers and against discrimination.

"Once again we celebrated female talent, rewarding it as it deserves and somehow forcing everyone to reflect on the irreplaceable contribution that women give to economic, scientific, cultural, and social progress. I thank Emma Bonino for appreciating our efforts in this regard. And I thank the many people - members but also friends of Women and Technologies - who wanted to participate in this evening, showing us their closeness and support for the action we have been carrying out for ten years," says Gianna Martinengo, entrepreneur and creator of the Award. "We are happy and proud of the results achieved both with the Award and with the Association that expresses it, which has grown beyond our expectations because - perhaps - we have intercepted a real need. Over the years, we have conceived and implemented 44 projects and 80 events, 9 international conferences and 14 talk events, addressing content related to ICT, bio and nanotechnologies, nutrition, sustainability, new materials, robotics. Looking at technology, but also at the female contribution in the economy, culture, social sciences, and ethics. Today, the Association is a consolidated and authoritative reality. A vast network that intersects and allows the sharing of knowledge and experiences of many people who have decided to be part of it because they believe in our values." A challenge won by the Association, represented during the evening by its president Maria Luisa Nolli who, on this occasion, wore the clothes of the awarder assigning, with an unexpected off-program from the protagonist, the "Leadership and Innovative Vision" award to Gianna Martinengo who, in her role as an entrepreneur, has shown a natural predisposition to innovation and an extraordinary vision capacity.

The Technovisionaries 2017 received a canvas from the collection ANITÀ by the artist Carlotta Todeschini, created for the Award and dedicated to women who have been able to combine "heart and invention" achieving prestigious goals in service of others. In addition, the evening was also an opportunity to admire the suggestive shots by Guido Taroni who, in Donne ConTurbanti, portrayed a series of women wearing the Vita turban, created by Mantero for the Dee Di Vita project, in support of Salute allo Specchio Onlus. The project, conceived by Valentina Di Mattei and Giorgia Mangili of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, involves women (doctors, psychologists, volunteers, make-up artists, stylists) who are committed to psychologically supporting other women undergoing chemotherapy treatment and in need of regaining confidence and love for themselves (

The international award Tecnovisionarie is promoted by Women&Tech – Association Women and Technologies , founded by Gianna Martinengo to enhance female talent in technology, innovation, and scientific research, to promote projects and actions aimed at fighting stereotypes and gender discrimination, and to contribute to guiding young people towards future professions and sustainable entrepreneurial models ( ).

For information:

Press Office Technovisionaries: - 335 8101941; 347 4219001
Women&Tech - Women and Technology Association: - 0230516019

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