With Women&Tech everyone - once again - on board the Innovation Tram

On March 16th, on the occasion of the second edition of the Milan Digital Week

This year too, Women&Tech-Association Women and Technologies brings its contribution to the Milan Digital Week by going "on a journey".

The "Innovation Tram - Don't Miss the Tram of the Future!" will restart on March 16th for a whole day: the ancient means of transport, a "Carrelli" model from 1928, will be transformed into an unusual location for those who want to listen and engage in dialogue around the theme proposed by the Milan Digital Week 2019 edition, "Urban Intelligence" .

The tours through the streets of the city center will last for 45 minutes, starting at 9:15 and until 17:30.

Gianna Martinengo , founder of Women&Tech and creator of the format, explains the importance of the event, which already last year was a great success (680 attendees on the tram, 200 people on the waiting list, 20 speakers over two days, 1,500 users involved): "We are constantly and everywhere bombarded with often obscure keywords, anglicisms, terms and complex themes , that not all citizens can understand. The Tram of Innovation plays, in this context, an essential role, not only because it shows the city, demonstrating how tradition and innovation can be combined, but because it becomes for a day the place of dialogue and conversation about the present and what awaits us... finally out of a classic meeting room, moving in the heart of the city".

Complexity , completes the founder of Women&Tech: "It represents the challenge of Society 5.0 and is articulated in geographical, physical, social, biological areas, in a situation where everything is technological. Here we want to enter and 'simplify', involving citizens, getting help from the various speakers who will be present".

The different interventions that will follow on the Innovation Tram will concern the city that becomes "smart" (what services can smart cities offer?), virtual reality applied to learning processes, urban mobility, sustainable mobility, finance, digitization and robotics in the healthcare and hospital sector, Artificial Intelligence, new business models adopted by digital startups.

A special thanks to partners SAP and Lenovo, supporters Here Technologies, Banca Generali, Ab medica, Nexi, and experts who will collaborate and contribute, coming from Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Centro multidisciplinare di Chirurgia robotica Università di Pisa, Fondazione Bruno Kessler.

The "Milano Digital Week", which takes place from March 13 to 17, is promoted by the Municipality of Milan Department of Digital Transformation and Civic Services, and organized by Cariplo Factory, IAB - Interactive Advertising Bureau, and Hublab.

Participation in the Innovation Tram events is free, upon registration at the link https://goo.gl/UxiBeQ

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