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W.W.W. Women Web Works

W.W.W. Women Web Works

01 September 2016
W.W.W. Women Web Works

Training course that helps women professionalize and acquire new skills - highly demanded by the job market - in the digital field.

New media and technologies can be very powerful allies for those who are looking for employment. Especially for women who, for various reasons, need to enter or re-enter the workforce and are not familiar with these tools (long-term unemployed, immigrants, workers with little exposure to the internet - for example artisans, merchants - women who wish to return to the workforce after a significant period of absence). However, it is necessary that the skills are of a high level, therefore learned in a serious and professional manner.

To this target of users, the Women and Technologies Association, with the support of Barclays and the know-how of Didael KTS, dedicates a specific Training Course, entitled W.W.W. Women Web Works.

Technology, thanks to this Project, becomes a tool for innovation and inclusion, allowing participants to enhance the skills on their Curriculum Vitae.

Still today, our country suffers from several delays in the digital field. Consider the fact that 18% of the population is not connected to the internet. That 60% of Italians admit to not being adequately trained on digital issues; that only 30% of those who use Social media master the medium adequately (functional for a professional activity). " In practice - explains the founder of the Association, Gianna Martinengo - we do have the tools, but we are not yet able to turn them into opportunities for work, new employment, new professions. This is where the W.W.W. Women Web Works project comes in, trying to create a training environment that focuses not only on computer literacy, but also on the individual and their potential, their ability to learn and integrate technology into their daily lives, both personal and professional. "

The project is based on a methodology devised and widely tested in 70 digital inclusion projects by Didael KTS, which allows learning at one's own pace and learning styles: What it is, how it's done, try it yourself . Three main topics covered in the lessons : basic computer tools and office automation; informed citizens on the web; professional use of social networks.

The educational-organizational model provides, on one hand, laboratory activities guided by facilitators, on the other hand the use of a web-based environment, which offers functions and online support for learning, communication, and cooperation. Accompanying the 60 participants (divided into three groups) were, inside the multimedia classrooms of the Comprehensive Institute Cardarelli-Massaua with Lenovo technology, an expert teacher, a tutor, a facilitator, an educational coordinator, and a laboratory assistant.

Each course was composed of 20 hours (5 segments lasting 4 hours each; one meeting per week) and moments of practice and assessment. In addition to classroom lessons, participants carried out laboratory activities guided by facilitators, used a community for in-depth study and sharing of work, and used a web-based environment to offer online support for learning and communication. An entrance test and a final test allowed to assess the level of learning achieved. The total commitment was 40 hours for each group.

The certificate delivery ceremony is scheduled for November 28th.

Press release - W.W.W. Milan celebrates the pink and inclusive side of digital

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